The actor, who has portrayed Nikolas Cassadine for the last few seasons, will not be properly wrapping up on set after complications following a recent bout of Covid, as reported by Deadline.  The publication shared that Coloma and ABC came to the agreement “that he should not film the remaining few days of the year” due to his health.  Rumors that the actor had been fired or walked off set and refused to shoot his final scenes have been denied by his spokesperson. The rep also shared a letter to Coloma’s fans with Deadline: “Dear Friends and Fans of Marcus Coloma,” it began. “As mentioned in a statement provided by ABC, we wanted to confirm that Marcus ‘will no longer be playing the role of Nikolas Cassadine. His last airdate will be at the end of January.’ Marcus has wrapped his 3-year contract with General Hospital and has thoroughly enjoyed working on the show with such a talented group of actors, writers, producers and directors. Unfortunately, due to health issues with his recent Covid exposure, the network graciously agreed that he should not film the remaining few days of the year.” The letter continued: “Marcus has been thrilled to bring nearly 300 episodes of the iconic and complicated character of Nikolas back to life. ‘I was immediately taken with the family feel of the ensemble cast,’ said Coloma. ‘And I fell in love with the extremely passionate fanbase. Their outpouring of love and excitement, week after week has been unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. I will always be grateful for their kindness and support.’” We’re curious to see how the show will handle the missing shots, but are wishing Coloma the best in his recovery!