When we’re trying to drop unwanted pounds, one of the first thoughts that comes to mind is getting more exercise. But as it turns out, exercise might not do much for our weight loss efforts. According to a new study, for every 100 calories we might expect to burn during exercise, the majority of us will net less than 72 calories. Researchers found that our bodies tend to compensate for at least 25 percent of the calories we burn while working out, which makes it difficult to lose weight through exercise alone. The findings also show that losing weight through exercise alone is harder for those who are already overweight. Luckily, there are a lot of other benefits to exercise other than weight loss: Improved mental health, better sleep, and more energy, to name a few. It’s also worth noting that some workouts burn more calories than others—so here are 9 workouts that are total calorie-torchers

Calorie burning workouts

Squat press

How to do it:

Start with feet shoulder-width or more apart.  In a deep squat keep weights over the shoulder and coming out of the squat press the dumbbell up overhead.  

“Now your blood flow needs to supply nutrients to the lower body and upper body for an ultimate muscle building and heart pumping calorie-torching workout,” saysErin Kendall, American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer.

High knees

How to do it:

Standing shoulder-width apart quickly pull knees up to waist level or as close as possible. 20 Seconds of High Knees will increase your heart rate.  

“Higher intensity leg exercises require quick blood flow down to the legs and back up to the heart which creates a calorie-burning heart rate,” Kendall explains. “Hold weights over the shoulders for an extra challenge!”

Side lunge with an overhead press 

How to do it:

Start with feet together. Step to the side with a wide step bending only your moving leg while keeping the stationary leg straight.  Do 10 alternating side lunges with an overhead press in between each rep.  

“This slower and controlled exercise allows those muscles to get stronger and burn calories well after your workout is over,” says Kendall.

Feet Jacks

How to do it: Just like jumping jacks but only the legs are moving!   “10 Seconds of Feet Jacks with weights over the shoulder are a great challenge to your muscles and cardiovascular system simultaneously,” Kendall explains. “The weights cause your body to work harder, pump more blood and condition your fitness level for peak performance.”

Jump squat

“This provides a challenge for type 2 muscle fibers and increases heart rate just by simply pumping those leg muscles with a higher intensity.” How to do it:

Start with feet shoulder-width or more apart.  In a squat pretend like there is an invisible chair behind you.  Jump out of a squat and land back in a squat 10 times.  

“These exercises not only challenge the muscles to grow stronger with each rep, but also require the heart to pump extra hard to supply nutrients quickly to those fast-moving muscles,” Kendall states. “Each time the heart rate is challenged, fitness levels will increase along with stamina and calorie-torching potential!” And here’s a four-round calorie-burning workout recommended by Emily Skye, personal trainer and founder of the Emily Skye FIT program. Each round targets various muscle groups. Each round should be completed three times, with 30 seconds of rest between each set. 

Round 1: Target/muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, thighs

Crab walks for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees and lower into a slight squat. Take 15 steps to the left and 15 steps to the right or until 0:30 seconds are up.

Monster walks for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees and lower into a slight squat. Step your right leg forward and out to the side, then bring your left foot over to almost tap your right foot, before stepping your left leg forward and out, then right foot almost taps the left foot before stepping forward and so on. Take 15 steps forward and 15 steps back or until 0:30 seconds are up.

Standing glute kickback for 0:30 seconds

Standing up, place the band just at your ankles and lower into a slight squat. Extend your left leg backward and bring it back to center, then do the same with the right leg. Continue until 0:30 seconds are up.

Round 2: Target/muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, thighs

Resistance band side to side squat (left) for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees and lower into a slight squat. Take your left leg outward and squat. Bring your foot back into starting position and repeat till 0:30 are up.

Resistance band side to side squat (right) for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees and lower into a slight squat. Take your right leg outward and squat. Bring your foot back into starting position and repeat till 0:30 are up.

Resistance band jump jack squat for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just below your knees. With the band in place, you’re not going for a full star-shaped jumping jack, but contained jump squat as you jump your feet out and lower your body into a squat position and back in to stand up. 

Round 3: Target/muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, lower back, abs

Banded glute bridge for 0:30 seconds

Place the band at the top of your knees. As you push your hips upward, anchor your heels into the floor and hold at the top.

Resistance band glute bridge abduction for 0:30 seconds

Place the band at the top of your knees. As you push your hips upward, anchor your heels into the floor and repeat the motion of bringing your hips up and down.

Bridge hold for 0:30 seconds

Push your hips upward, anchor your heels into the floor and hold at the top.

Round 4: Target/muscles worked: glutes, hamstrings, lower back, abs

Resistance band donkey kicks for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees, then go onto all fours (hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under your hips), extend your left leg into a kick-like motion in 90 degrees and bring it back down, then extend your right leg into a kick-like motion in 90 degrees and bring it back down. Continue until 0:30 seconds are up.

Banded leg lift for 0:30 seconds

Place the band just above your knees, then go into a standing plank position, lift your left leg up and down then lift your right leg up and down. Continue until 0:30 seconds are up.

Frog pumps for 0:30 seconds

Lay on your back and put the soles of your feet together, Keep your knees apart and push your hips upward and downwards until 0:30 are up.

Next up: The 8 Best At-Home Workouts on YouTube.


Current Biology: “Energy Compensation and Adiposity in Humans"Erin Kendall, American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainerEmily Skye, personal trainer and founder of the Emily Skye FIT program 10 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 7110 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 5710 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 8510 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 6510 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 8610 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 8910 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 410 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 3910 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 2310 Exercises That Torch Calories  - 92