But don’t let that stress you out. With thousands of unusual baby name options available, there’s one out there that’s perfect for your little one. And lucky for you, we’ve narrowed down some of our favorites. We gathered 150 unusual baby names for girls and baby boy names that are just as cool as they are rare. So no matter if you’re thinking about going for a vintage-sounding name, looking for a name that is nature-inspired or one that’s after a name of your favorite places or starts with a certain letter of the alphabet, we’ve got you covered. We even have a few that start with letters that are hardly used, like Q, X, Y and Z. Here are 150 unusual baby names you’ll absolutely love.

150 Unusual Baby Names

  1. Aero This name is Greek and means “of the sky.”
  2. Alaska This is derived from the Aleut word “alaxsxaq,” which means “the mainland.”
  3. Ari This Hebrew name means “lion.”
  4. Ashlynn This beautiful Irish name means “dream.”
  5. Aspen This name can be used for a girl or boy and means “quaking tree.”
  6. Astrid Hailing from Scandinavia, this name means “divinely beautiful.”
  7. Azure Meaning “sky blue,” this pretty name is pronounced AH-zhure and is of Spanish origin.
  8. Bear This animal-inspired name means strong and brave.
  9. Beckett Coming from Engish and German roots, this name means “little brook.”
  10. Birdie The meaning of this cute name is “bright, famous, little bird.”
  11. Bode Pronounced Bow-dee, this unique name means “messenger.”
  12. Brynlee This is an English name that means “Gift from God.”
  13. Cadence This name has Latin origin and means “rhythm, flow.”
  14. Cami Meaning “helper to the priest,” this name is a variant of the Latin name Camilla.
  15. Case “Bringer of peace” is what this name means.
  16. Caspian This name means “of the sea.”
  17. Charlize This South African name is a feminization of Charles and means “free man.”
  18. Cheyenne This name is of Native American origin and means “people of a different language.”
  19. Cora This Ancient Greek name means “honest.”
  20. Crew This is a name of Latin origin meaning “chariot.”
  21. Cyrus This Persian-derived name means “sun.”
  22. Dagon This Biblical name means “fish.”
  23. Dahlia This Lithuanian name means “destiny.”
  24. Damon This name means “loyal friend” in Latin.
  25. Daphne “Laurel tree” is what this Greek name means.
  26. Darra In Hebrew, this name means “wise.”
  27. Daxton This name means “warrior who conquers great obstacles.”
  28. Dawson Coming from Welsh origins, this name means “son of David.”
  29. Dixie With Latin roots, this name means “I have spoken.”
  30. Duke Hailing from a popular American surname, this name means “leader.”
  31. Easton This name means “toward the sunrise.”
  32. Eden “Paradise” is what this Hebrew name means.
  33. Elodie This French name means “wealthy and rich.”
  34. Ember Meaning “spark,” this name is of French origin
  35. Emerson With English roots, this name means “powerful and brave.
  36. Enzo If you’re Italian you’ll know this name means “winner.”
  37. Everleigh This pretty name is of English origin and means “woodland.”
  38. Fable This name means “a story with a lesson.”
  39. Faris In Arabic, this name means “knight.”
  40. Faye Derived from English origin, this name means “fairy.”
  41. Finley This name means “fair warrior.”
  42. Felix The Latin origin of this name means “happy, fortunate.”
  43. Forest This nature-inspired name is of French origin and means “woods.”
  44. Fritz This German name means “peaceful ruler.”
  45. Galaxy If you’re a fan of space, you’ll love this American name, which means “large system of stars.”
  46. Gavin Meaning “white hawk,” this name comes from the Middle Ages.
  47. Gem This name means “jewel” and originates from the Italian name Gemma.
  48. Genesis This Hebrew name can be for a girl or boy and means “beginning.”
  49. Genevieve This French name means “white wave.”
  50. Graham With English origin, this name means “gravel homestead.”
  51. Gray This name means “pleasant.”
  52. Greenleigh This American name means “green meadow.”
  53. Greer With Scottish origin, this name means “watchful.”
  54. Gretel This fairy tale name means “pearl.”
  55. Gwendolyn This Medieval name means “a blend of elements.”
  56. Hadley This Old English name means “heather meadow.”
  57. Harlow This unique unisex name means “army.”
  58. Harmony This Latin name means “unity.”
  59. Haylen “Fire” is what this Scottish name means. (See baby names that mean fire.)
  60. Haven With English origin, this name means “safe place.”
  61. Henley “High meadow” is what this English name means.
  62. Hero Meaning “demi-god,” this name is of Greek origin.
  63. Indiana Hailing from French origin, this name means “graceful.”
  64. Ireland Evolving over centuries from the Old Irish word “goddess.”
  65. Irwin This name means “sea lover” and has English origin.
  66. Israel This Biblical name is Hebrew and means “he who prevails with God.”
  67. Jace This name means “the Lord is salvation.”
  68. Jaelynn This name is of American origin and is the masculine version of Jaelyn.
  69. Jannika Hailing from Europe, this name means “God is gracious.”
  70. Jinx Meaning “spell,” this name has Latin origin.
  71. Joelle This name means “the Lord is willing.”
  72. Jolie This unique French name means “pretty.”
  73. Justine This French name means “righteous.”
  74. Jylan With Greek and American origins, this name means “calm.”
  75. Kaleb This Hebrew name means “whole heart.”
  76. Karina This name comes from the Greek name Katherine and means “pure.”
  77. Keegan This name has Irish origins and means “fiery.”
  78. Kellan With German and Irish origins, this name means “bright-headed.”
  79. Kingston This English name simply means “King’s town.”
  80. Kinsley “Proud” is what this English name means.
  81. Kit This Greek name means “carrier of Christ.”
  82. Kirk This Scottish name means “church.”
  83. Konrad “Bold advisor” is what this German name means.
  84. Knox This is a Scottish surname that means “from the hills.”
  85. Kristoff This name may be taken by a Disney character, but it also has Scandinavian and Greek origins and means “bearing Christ.”
  86. Kyler This Dutch name means “archer.”
  87. Landon This English name means “from the long hill.”
  88. Landry This name is of English origin and means “ruler.”
  89. Leighton “From the town by the meadow” is what this English name means.
  90. Lex This is a Greek name that means “man’s defender.”
  91. Lincoln This English name means “lake.”
  92. Lucca “Giver of light” is what this Italian name means.
  93. Marlowe “Storyteller” is what this English name means.
  94. Milo A form of the name Miles, this Greek name means “destroyer.”
  95. Myles This English name means “merciful.”
  96. Neil “Bright shining ones” is the meaning behind this Old English name.
  97. Nelson This Irish name means “son of a champion.”
  98. Niall Meaning “passionate,” this name has Scottish descent.
  99. Nina With its Spanish origin, this name means “little girl.”
  100. Noell Translated, this French name means “Christmas Day.”
  101. Nori “Belief” is what this inspiring Japanese name means.
  102. Oakley This Old English name refers to the tree of the same name.
  103. Ocean “The father of waters” is what this Celtic name means.
  104. Odette This lovely French name means “wealth.”
  105. Oliver This German name means “elf army.”
  106. Ollie “Olive tree” is the meaning behind this Latin name.
  107. Owen A name derived from Eugene, this Welsh name means “noble-born.”
  108. Pacey “A form of pace” is what this French name means.
  109. Parker “Gamekeeper” is what this once-occupational surname means.
  110. Peyton This is an English name that means “warrior’s village.”
  111. Pax This unique name has Latin roots and means “peace.”
  112. Phoenix This name has mythological roots and means “dark red.”
  113. Piper Once a surname is given to a person who played the pipe (flute), this name is of English descent.
  114. Posie “A bouquet of flowers” is what this girl name means. 108.Poppy This English name means “red flower.”
  115. Queency This Old French name means “estate of the fifth son.”
  116. Quest This Latin name means “long search.”
  117. Quinn This name means “wise” in Celtic.
  118. Radley This English name means “from or near the red meadow.”
  119. Raine The English variant of the French word “reine,” meaning, “queen.”
  120. Ralph With the meaning “wolf counsel,” this old name has Scandinavian and Germanic elements.
  121. Raydon This name is French and means “counselor.
  122. Reagan In Gaelic, this name means “little king.”
  123. Reese This name is English and means “enthusiastic.”
  124. Remy This name has French origins and means “oarsmen.”
  125. Rhett Meaning “advice,” this name has an English origin.
  126. River “Stream of water that flows to the sea” is what this English-rooted name means.
  127. Ryden This Scandinavian name means “horseman.”
  128. Sage This English name is derived from the sage plant.
  129. Sasha This Greek name means “protector.”
  130. Sawyer An English occupational name means “woodcutter.”
  131. Shaine As a variant of the English name Shane, it means “God is gracious.”
  132. Shay This beautiful Gaelic name means “admirable.”
  133. Shiloh “His gift” is the meaning behind this Hebrew name.
  134. Shyla This English name means “white dove.”
  135. Sienna This name is of English origin and means “orange-red.”
  136. Skyler Meaning “fugitive,” this name has Danish origin.
  137. Sloane This Irish name means “raider.”
  138. Sutton “From the southern homestead,” is what this English name means.
  139. Stormi With an Old English origin, this name stems from the word “storm.”
  140. Suri This is a Yiddish variant of the name Sarah and means “princess.”
  141. Tatum Meaning “cheerful and full of life,” this name hails from the British Isles.
  142. Teagan An Irish name that means “little poet.”
  143. Trent In Latin, this name means “swift.”
  144. True This English name means “genuine and real.”
  145. Tyra This name is Swedish, Danish and Norwegian and means “thunder warrior.” 140.Uriah This Hebrew name means “God is my light.”
  146. Utah With French roots, this name means “of the city.”
  147. Valentine This name is a variant of the Latin word Valentinus and means “strong.”
  148. Winnie This Welsh name means “happiness.”
  149. Winter This seasonal name comes from Old English and is a European surname.
  150. Wyatt “Brave in battle” is the meaning behind this English name.
  151. Xu This Chinese name means “established by Yahweh.”
  152. Yale With Welsh and Old English roots, this name means “heights.”
  153. Zane This is the Hebrew version of the name John and means “God is gracious.”
  154. Zealand This name means “from the sea-land.”
  155. Ziggy A variant of the German name Sigmund, it means “victory protector.” For more moniker ideas, check out these 125 Christian baby names pulled straight out of the Bible.

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