27 Things To Do on New Year’s Day

1. Head to or host a New Year’s Day brunch

Revel in the memories of your New Year’s Eve over something delicious, be it at your favorite eatery or at home via video chat.

2. Have breakfast in bed

This is a great option for anyone who may have celebrated a bit too much on New Year’s Eve. Kick back and relax! FYI—there’s a Twilight Zone marathon on New Year’s Day on Syfy Channel. 

3. Plant a seed

Literally! Whether it’s a Chia Pet, a new tree in your yard, a potted herb, a pretty flower or a simple succulent, kick off 2023 by nurturing something green.

4. Start a gratitude journal

Chances are, the last couple of years revealed a lot of things we love that we previously took for granted. Start a gratitude journal to begin the new year on a positive note, even if it’s just being thankful for not having a hangover from the night before.

5. Go for an early morning walk

What a magnificent day to see the sunrise!

6. Kickstart your savings with the 52-Week Money Challenge

The 52-Week Money Challenge is a great way to get a head start on your financial resolutions without feeling like you’re sacrificing too much. How to do it? Set aside $1 in your savings account. Next week, deposit $2. The following week, deposit $3. Do this all year, and by week 52 (when you’ll deposit $52), you’ll have saved up $1,378!

7. Make a budget

Once more, if you have any financial resolutions for 2023, take the first steps to make them a reality with a written budget. You can use apps like EveryDollar, You Need a Budget, and Mint to track your spending, or just whip something up in a notebook, as long as it works for you and is a method you know you’ll keep maintaining consistently.

8. Konmari your closet

You’ll start the new year feeling productive and refreshed when you pare down all those impulse online purchases from the past year and simply keep what you love and what sparks joy.

9. Have a naked lady party

No, it’s not what you think! After you’ve cleaned out your closet, chances are you have a ton of clothes, accessories, shoes and jewelry you want to unload. Host an exchange with friends where you put dibs on each other discards, and everyone has the opportunity to walk away with some new fits!

10. Make some money off your unloaded items

Still have leftover clothes from your closet cleanout? Sell them on ThredUp, Poshmark, or your favorite social media marketplace. (You can add that cash to your 52-Week Money Challenge!)

11. Clean out your fridge

Trust us: there is at least one something in there that needed to be tossed long ago. Start fresh (and prevent illness) by cleaning out all the expired, icky, “off” or just “I-know-I’ll-never-actually-use-this” stuff.

12. Clean out your pantry

If you’ve made a resolution to get more organized, go to town on your pantry. Chances are you’ve got some food that’s expired, so toss it.

13. Cook with what you have

Check out your cupboards, pantry and refrigerator, and make a meal with only the ingredients that you have right now. Why? Because it’s a creative way to challenge yourself and save money, reduce waste and create space in your home, which are all things you’ll want to continue doing throughout the year.

14. Donate what you don’t need

Those clothes that are still leftover? That food from your pantry that is still good, but unopened and that you know you’ll never eat? Donate them to someone who could use them, whether through an organization or just dropping them off to a friend or neighbor.

15. Watch football

What better way to kick off 2023 than by watching a literal kick-off?

16. Put your holiday decorations away

We all know that one house that has a wreath and lights up all year. If procrastination (and not spreading Christmas cheer in, say, April) is your M.O., use the time you have now to put away your holiday decor.

17. Try a new workout

If you’ve resolved to exercise more this year, try a new workout or two, whether it’s from YouTube videos or these virtual classes, and see what sticks.

18. Take advantage of after-Christmas sales

There will be major markdowns! If you have the space, it’s a great time to grab gifts for next year for less.

19. Give back by volunteering

Feel great and spread that warm fuzzy feeling by giving back. Whether you’re walking shelter dogs, feeding shelter residents or cleaning up a park, being of service to others will give you the type of joy that will get your new year off to a great karmic start.

20. Wash off 2022

Take a nice long shower or bath with your favorite scented products to indulge in some self-care and rinse off what might’ve been the metaphorical filth that was the year 2022.

21. Cozy up with a good book

Reading is a luxury, and you (probably) have the time to do it today!

22. Binge a show you were meaning to watch all year

Didn’t get to see a whole show or the last few episodes? Treat yourself and tune in today.

23. Order takeout from a local favorite or a new restaurant you’ve never tried

Support local businesses and keep yourself from having to clean up your kitchen from New Year’s Eve too soon.

24. Pick up the phone and call someone you love

Sure, texting is great, but doesn’t conversation flow better when you can hear someone’s voice? Establish a feeling of connection and call someone, anyone, in your life. Bonus points if it’s someone you miss or if someone you know may be lonely right now.

25. Try your hand at a new game

Whether The Queen’s Gambit inspired you to try your hand at chess, you’ve always wanted to learn how to play poker, or if you just want to indulge in Super Smash Bros. for the first time, let today be your day!

26. Go out for a cocktail or a beer

If you can do so safely where you live, New Year’s Day is actually a great time to head to a bar—you won’t have to struggle to get the bartender’s attention and may very well have the place to yourself.

27. Do nothing

Seriously. You’ve earned it! Next, check out these 55 New Year’s resolution ideas.

title: “27 Things To Do On New Year S Day 2023” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-02” author: “Lizbeth Baudoin”

27 Things To Do on New Year’s Day

1. Head to or host a New Year’s Day brunch

Revel in the memories of your New Year’s Eve over something delicious, be it at your favorite eatery or at home via video chat.

2. Have breakfast in bed

This is a great option for anyone who may have celebrated a bit too much on New Year’s Eve. Kick back and relax! FYI—there’s a Twilight Zone marathon on New Year’s Day on Syfy Channel. 

3. Plant a seed

Literally! Whether it’s a Chia Pet, a new tree in your yard, a potted herb, a pretty flower or a simple succulent, kick off 2023 by nurturing something green.

4. Start a gratitude journal

Chances are, the last couple of years revealed a lot of things we love that we previously took for granted. Start a gratitude journal to begin the new year on a positive note, even if it’s just being thankful for not having a hangover from the night before.

5. Go for an early morning walk

What a magnificent day to see the sunrise!

6. Kickstart your savings with the 52-Week Money Challenge

The 52-Week Money Challenge is a great way to get a head start on your financial resolutions without feeling like you’re sacrificing too much. How to do it? Set aside $1 in your savings account. Next week, deposit $2. The following week, deposit $3. Do this all year, and by week 52 (when you’ll deposit $52), you’ll have saved up $1,378!

7. Make a budget

Once more, if you have any financial resolutions for 2023, take the first steps to make them a reality with a written budget. You can use apps like EveryDollar, You Need a Budget, and Mint to track your spending, or just whip something up in a notebook, as long as it works for you and is a method you know you’ll keep maintaining consistently.

8. Konmari your closet

You’ll start the new year feeling productive and refreshed when you pare down all those impulse online purchases from the past year and simply keep what you love and what sparks joy.

9. Have a naked lady party

No, it’s not what you think! After you’ve cleaned out your closet, chances are you have a ton of clothes, accessories, shoes and jewelry you want to unload. Host an exchange with friends where you put dibs on each other discards, and everyone has the opportunity to walk away with some new fits!

10. Make some money off your unloaded items

Still have leftover clothes from your closet cleanout? Sell them on ThredUp, Poshmark, or your favorite social media marketplace. (You can add that cash to your 52-Week Money Challenge!)

11. Clean out your fridge

Trust us: there is at least one something in there that needed to be tossed long ago. Start fresh (and prevent illness) by cleaning out all the expired, icky, “off” or just “I-know-I’ll-never-actually-use-this” stuff.

12. Clean out your pantry

If you’ve made a resolution to get more organized, go to town on your pantry. Chances are you’ve got some food that’s expired, so toss it.

13. Cook with what you have

Check out your cupboards, pantry and refrigerator, and make a meal with only the ingredients that you have right now. Why? Because it’s a creative way to challenge yourself and save money, reduce waste and create space in your home, which are all things you’ll want to continue doing throughout the year.

14. Donate what you don’t need

Those clothes that are still leftover? That food from your pantry that is still good, but unopened and that you know you’ll never eat? Donate them to someone who could use them, whether through an organization or just dropping them off to a friend or neighbor.

15. Watch football

What better way to kick off 2023 than by watching a literal kick-off?

16. Put your holiday decorations away

We all know that one house that has a wreath and lights up all year. If procrastination (and not spreading Christmas cheer in, say, April) is your M.O., use the time you have now to put away your holiday decor.

17. Try a new workout

If you’ve resolved to exercise more this year, try a new workout or two, whether it’s from YouTube videos or these virtual classes, and see what sticks.

18. Take advantage of after-Christmas sales

There will be major markdowns! If you have the space, it’s a great time to grab gifts for next year for less.

19. Give back by volunteering

Feel great and spread that warm fuzzy feeling by giving back. Whether you’re walking shelter dogs, feeding shelter residents or cleaning up a park, being of service to others will give you the type of joy that will get your new year off to a great karmic start.

20. Wash off 2022

Take a nice long shower or bath with your favorite scented products to indulge in some self-care and rinse off what might’ve been the metaphorical filth that was the year 2022.

21. Cozy up with a good book

Reading is a luxury, and you (probably) have the time to do it today!

22. Binge a show you were meaning to watch all year

Didn’t get to see a whole show or the last few episodes? Treat yourself and tune in today.

23. Order takeout from a local favorite or a new restaurant you’ve never tried

Support local businesses and keep yourself from having to clean up your kitchen from New Year’s Eve too soon.

24. Pick up the phone and call someone you love

Sure, texting is great, but doesn’t conversation flow better when you can hear someone’s voice? Establish a feeling of connection and call someone, anyone, in your life. Bonus points if it’s someone you miss or if someone you know may be lonely right now.

25. Try your hand at a new game

Whether The Queen’s Gambit inspired you to try your hand at chess, you’ve always wanted to learn how to play poker, or if you just want to indulge in Super Smash Bros. for the first time, let today be your day!

26. Go out for a cocktail or a beer

If you can do so safely where you live, New Year’s Day is actually a great time to head to a bar—you won’t have to struggle to get the bartender’s attention and may very well have the place to yourself.

27. Do nothing

Seriously. You’ve earned it! Next, check out these 55 New Year’s resolution ideas.