Cardio exercises have major benefits for your heart, as you know. What’s more, aerobic exercise can boost your brain health and can even reduce the risk of death. Running is the workout most synonymous with cardio, however, there are so many ways to get in a solid aerobic workout (and even have it combined with strength training). In terms of the best cardio workouts—and the best cardio exercises for weight loss—there are a lot more options than simply running (though it definitely makes the list). You can even pick and choose a few activities to see if any of them resonate with you more than others—an important part of fitness is actually enjoying—and mix up your current cardio routine. If you’re looking for some of the best cardio exercises and workouts, we’ve got you (more than) covered. Here are 30 options to choose from. 

Best Cardio Exercises

1. Running

Distance runners actually have thicker left ventricles in the heart than people who are sedentary.

2. Hiking

Harvard Health notes the hills “force your heart to work harder."

3. Cycling

Even just riding your bike to work has been noted to have cardiovascular benefits.

4. Swimming

The University of South Carolina found that swimmers actually have one of the lowest death rates, even compared to runners.

5. Rowing

Even more than cardio benefits, rowing engages over 80 percent of your muscles in addition to being a great cardio exercise.

6. Rock Climbing

Studies have shown this sport is a great way to utilize your whole body aerobic capacity.

7. Kickboxing

A solid training plan can build both your aerobic power and aerobic fitness—a win for those looking for an effective cardio workout.

8. Jumping Rope

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) says a jump rope is actually “the only piece of home cardio equipment you really need."

9. Dance

Even just three days of dance cardio per week has been found to have measurable benefits.

10. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT has been said to be one of the most time efficient workouts around. Check out the best HIIT workouts for beginners. Now, if you’re looking for specific heart-pumping exercises to add to your current routine, the good news is that there are plenty of moves that combine cardio and strength training. We asked three experts—Matt Towers, founder of The Foundation - Personal Training Solutions, Jennifer Emge, a coach creating personalized exercise plans at Courage to Sweat and Emily Sopo, M.S., creator ofHeartmybody Fitness—to break down the top 20 cardio exercises so you can multitask next time you’re in the gym.    

11. Jumping Jacks

Why It Works: “Jumping jacks is a good cardio movement as it doesn’t require much technical skill, is a normal body movement and can be adjusted easily to varying fitness levels—[a] short period of time for beginners [and] extended amount of time for advanced exercisers,” shares Emge. “Unless you have serious joint issues, it also doesn’t put a lot of stress on your body.” Do the Move:

12. Split Jumps

Why It Works: “Split jumps are one of those great movements that can be used in lots of ways depending on your ability or training goals,” explains Towers. “For power, you want to explode as high as you can for less reps. For a leg workout or as part of a cardio HIIT session, don’t jump as high but add more reps.” Do the Move: 

13. High Knees

Why It Works: “High knees is a good go-to cardio exercise when other equipment is not available and you need something to get your heart rate up quickly,” confirms Emge. “It also works your legs, glutes and core.” Do the Move: 

14. Squat Jumps

Why It Works: “Squat jumps are good for moderate-to-advanced exercisers,” notes Emge. “Beginners can work towards this exercise after they’ve built up their squat strength and form. Just as burpees do, squat jumps will quickly elevate your heart rate, relying on your fitness level and pre-workout nutrition to get you through. They can be performed just about anywhere, but ensure the workout area is not slippery.” Do the Move:  Special Note: Emge notes anyone with spinal issues or knee pain should refrain from squat jumps as their cardio exercise of choice.

15. Walking Lunges

Why It Works: “Walking lunges strengthen the key lower body muscles necessary for running, cycling, swimming and lifting,” shares Emge. “They work up a good burn quickly and elevate your heart rate.” Do the Move: 

16. Skaters

Why It Works: “This movement mimics a skating stride and develops strength and power in your legs and glutes, while testing your balance and getting your heart rate up,” explains Sopo. Do the Move: Special Note: “To make this movement more challenging, hop side-to-side more quickly, make each hop bigger and/or keep your back foot off the floor,” adds Sopo.

17. Burpees

Why It Works: “Burpees are a great cardio exercise for moderate-to-advanced exercisers,” notes Emge. “It requires stabilizing your whole body and relying on key muscles to work through the movements correctly and quickly. Although you are using no equipment but your own strength, burpees will quickly elevate your heart rate and bring on the sweat!”  Do the Move: Special Note: “Anyone with joint issues, low back pain [and /or] knee problems should steer clear of this exercise as it can easily aggravate those issues,” adds Emge. “However if one is cleared for all exercises, this is a tough, do-anywhere, butt kicker of an exercise.” 18. Mountain ClimbersWhy It Works: “Mountain climbers are a great addition to any HIIT session and work the legs, core, shoulders and cardiovascular system—not to mention a mental toughness element,” shares Towers. Do the Move: 

19. Scissors

Why It Works: This traditional pilates move gets your heart pumping as you control the constant flutter of your legs while keeping your core and upper body tight and still. Do the Move:

20. Plank Jack

Why It Works: While the plank is usually a static exercise, the controlled movements of this modified version get your heart rate up. Do the Move: Special Note: “Plank jacks are an advanced version of a regular plank and care should be taken with this exercise,” stresses Towers. “You should be able to easily hold a regular plank before attempting this variation”

21. Plank Tap

Why It Works: “[This is] a great addition to the plank training arsenal and a step up from regular planks that adds the element of anti-rotation training,” notes Towers. Do the Move: Special Note: “To make this slightly easier just move the legs a little further apart to widen your base,” adds Towers.

22. Up and Down Plank

Why It Works: Again, go from static plank to heart pumping move by adding in some subtle and controlled movements. Do the Move:

23. Frogger

Why It Works: “The Frogger works your lower body, arms and core, in addition to your cardiovascular system,” shares Sopo. “It can be performed pretty much anywhere, making it a great addition to any challenging cardio workout.” Do the Move:  Special Note: “To make this move harder, hop forward and backward more quickly,” shares Sopo.

24. Box Toe Touch

Why It Works: “This exercise targets your lower body, simultaneously increases your heart rate and works your core,” explains Sopo. Do the Move:  Special Note: “It’s important to note that the height of the box should allow the thigh of your lifted leg to be parallel with the floor (or lower),” adds Sopo. “The more quickly you move, the more challenging this exercise will be.”

25. Box Step Ups

Why It Works: “The Box Step Up develops strength in your lower body, especially in your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings,” shares Sopo. “It also mimics a common movement pattern and improves your balance, coordination, core stability and cardio.”  Do the Move: Special Note: “Ideally, the box should be at a height that creates a 90-degree bend through your right ankle, knee and hip,” instructs Sopo.

26. Pulse Squat with Dumbbells

Why It Works: “A pulse squat builds muscular endurance and strength,” explains Sopo. “It works your lower body, upper body and core while increasing your heart rate.”  Do the Move:

27. Dumbbell Thrusters

Why It Works: “Dumbbell thrusters knock out two exercises at one time, while building leg, glute and shoulder strength,” explains Emge. “It also forces you to focus on coordination and fluidity of movements.” Do the Move: 

28. Star Jacks with Dumbbells

Why It Works: “For anyone who is too advanced to get much from jumping jacks and wants the challenge of adding on a little weight to the exercise, this is a good one,” notes Emge.  Do the Move: Special Note: “Both your cardio and shoulder strength must be up to the task,” adds Emge. “Start off with ensuring you have the jumping jack motion down, then the side shoulder raises down and then combine the two for just a few reps. Rest frequently when working up to higher [reps] for this one.” 

29. Kettlebell Swings

Why It Works: “The kettlebell swing is an effective full-body exercise that benefits your cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness,” explains Sopo. “When performed properly, it can build strength and power in your posterior chain—the muscles on the backside of your body—improve your posture and scorch calories.” Do the Move:

30. Kettlebell Clean and Press

Why It Works: “The kettlebell clean and press works essentially your entire body, helping you to develop stronger and more powerful hips, and stronger and more stable shoulders,” shares Sopo. “Additionally, it improves muscular imbalances, works your core and elevates your heart rate for an effective cardio workout.”  Do the Move: Find out why we love the BOSU ball.


Matt Towers, founder of The Foundation - Personal Training SolutionsJennifer Emge, a coach creating personalized exercise plans at Courage to SweatEmily Sopo, MS, creator ofHeartmybody Fitness 30 Best Cardio Exercises   Workouts for Weight Loss - 5830 Best Cardio Exercises   Workouts for Weight Loss - 74