These virtual learning memes will make you laugh, nod and know you aren’t alone in the struggle!
Virtual Learning Memes
1. Teachers: Grogu understands.
2. All (school) work and no play makes us all dull girls and boys.
3. As someone with zero teaching experience who spent her entire life in remedial math, I felt this in my soul.
4. Remember early in the pandemic when Tiger King got us through it? We could use a sequel.
5. How many of you are still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
6. Bernie Sanders has infiltrated every imaginable meme ever, and it’s a blessing.
7. Cuuuuuuuute!
8. To all the parents who are struggling, we see you! Don’t feel bad.
9. Oops! We’ve all been there.
10. Kids, we get it.
11. We feel you.
12. How does this not get teachers dizzy?
13. Feel good about your efforts!
14. Relatable content!
15. You know that’s gotta sting.
16. Phew.
17. Don’t forget to have empathy for your students. This is a tough time!
18. Whose kids can relate?
19. Any excuse for Henry Cavill is a good one for us.
20. Oof!
21. Pro tip: Try to record your Zooms!
22. You can’t always hide the pain.
23. Hopefully this year’s summer vacation will feel more like a summer vacation.
24. Crickets.
25. Even though they may not necessarily be physically doing much, make sure your students get rest!
26. To be fair, regular school is a lot like this too!
27. And probably 2021 too!
28. The struggle is so real.
29. And both are still jerks.
30. Sigh. Same.
31. If only…
32. Haven’t we all?
33. Teachers, we see you!
34. You almost have to admire their hustle.
35. Of course.
36. Give yourself a break, even if no one else wants you to have one.
Next, check out everything you need to know about micro-schools and learning pods.