With the mounting number of heat waves, wildfires, and hurricanes, it’s natural to feel uneasy. Climate change continues to impact millions of people around the world, raising concerns about what the future holds. And research confirms it. According to a report from the Imperial College London’s Institute of Global Health Innovation, climate change is significantly impacting mental health. Researchers found the high temperatures are linked to a greater risk of depression and suicide.  We know this sounds a little discouraging—and it is. But there’s good news: There are ways to find inner calm amidst the chaos. Here are 50 therapist-backed tips that can help ease climate change anxiety. 

How to ease anxiety about climate change

1. Do your best to separate fact from fiction

“As with other anxieties, fiction is usually what drives it,” says Jonathan Alpert, Manhattan psychotherapist and author of Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days. “Climate is no exception.”   He suggests asking yourself: Is this data rooted in real scientific evidence or is it ripped from the latest click-bait sensationalized headline?  Real science will lead to real change, while fiction will only spike anxiety. 

2. Get involved

This will make you feel like you’re being proactive.  “If you care so much about climate change and mother earth, then do something about it,” says Alpert. “ By taking action you’ll feel like you’re actually taking steps towards helping a cause so near and dear to your heart.”

3. Understand what climate change anxiety is

Knowledge is power. “Climate change anxiety, or ‘eco-anxiety’ is a manifestation of general anxiety that refers specifically to persistent worries about the effects of climate change,” Dr. Anisha Patel-Dunn, psychiatrist and Chief Medical Officer at LifeStance Health, states. “Eco-anxiety can present as feelings of distress or extreme worry about the future of our planet. Just like any mental health condition, it can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. 

4. Know the symptoms

For many, these feelings can appear as anger that more isn’t being done for the environment, hopelessness about the future and depression or panic in response to seemingly small events like an unseasonably warm day, Dr. Patel-Dunn explains. Individuals may also present with post-traumatic stress after experiencing something like a natural disaster. 

5. Know yourself

Raising your self-awareness can help you identify the root of negative thought patterns and beliefs. “Possible signs you are experiencing eco-anxiety can be varied,” says Dr. Patel-Dunn. “Everything from feelings of dread and panic about the future to guilt or shame about your own impact on the climate to intrusive thoughts and fears about climate-related disasters could qualify as eco-anxiety.”

6. Develop healthy coping techniques

When anxiety strikes, it’s helpful to have a handful of coping strategies in your back pocket. “While there are many approaches to dealing with stress and anxiety, one such technique that can be supportive is sticking to a regular schedule and working in self-care opportunities, including time for hobbies that bring you joy,” Dr. Patel-Dunn states.

7. Prioritize rest

Sleep is essential when it comes to protecting your mental health. “Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to ensure you are getting enough sleep and avoiding screen time in the evening can increase your ability to effectively cope with stress,” Dr. Patel-Dunn explains.

8. Prioritize physical health

It’s no secret there is a strong connection between the mind and body.  “Taking care of ourselves physically, whether that’s scheduling that annual physical or incorporating nutritious meals, is supportive of our mental health as well,” says Dr. Patel-Dunn.

9. Stay active

If you’re the type of person who starts to ruminate while alone, it’s best to find healthy ways to distract yourself. And focusing on your body is the fastest way to get out of your head. “Explore what types of physical activity you enjoy (like taking a walk with a friend) and find ways to incorporate that into your routine, as it can help address stress,” Dr. Patel-Dunn explains.

10. Be aware

“Recognizing that unpredictable events are part of our human experience and outside of our control and being able to focus on actions you can control can also be helpful,” Dr. Patel-Dunn states.

11. Understand that there is no one face to anxiety

We’re all different, so how we treat our anxiety is going to be different, too. “For some, they’d need connection with others through shared activities, or simply a safe space to talk and be heard, while others might need quiet and alone time,” Dr. Patel-Dunn explains. “It’s okay to try different styles to determine what you need, and okay to communicate those needs to others.”

12. Speak to a professional

For those who need additional support, therapy could be beneficial. “If you’re finding that your symptoms are interfering with daily life, I recommend speaking with a qualified therapist,” says Dr. Patel-Dunn. “There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for mental health conditions, so seeking personalized support from a professional can be very helpful.” 

13. Focus on what you can control

Most things in life we have no control over, and dwelling on what we can’t change will only lead to higher levels of stress and anxiety. “Climate anxiety can be really bothersome and flood your mind with negative thoughts and controlling habits,” Shagoon Maurya, counseling psychologist and psychotherapist, and founder of ursafespace.com, explains. “Instead of thinking about what you can’t change, focus on the habits you can change like planting more trees in your garden or spreading awareness.”

14. Take a time out

Most of the news is negative and while it’s important to be informed, be sure to monitor your media consumption. “News can be both negative and positive but the negative one contributes to anxiety and repetitive thoughts,” Maurya states. “So take some time off.”

15. Think about the positives

Don’t lose sight of the fact that changes are taking place and people are taking action to protect the planet. “Be optimistic and focus on the policies and habits that are bringing a positive change in the environment,” says Maurya.

16. Take time for self-care

Engaging in self-care is important whether or not you have anxiety. We all need to take time to rest and recharge. “Try to take out time for yourself and take care of your well being,” Maurya explains. “Engage in meditation and yoga to help you feel calm.”

17. Remember you’re not alone in this fight

Climate change and other environmental factors affect the whole community and the world, so you’re not alone in feeling anxious about it, Maurya says.

18. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling

Being open and honest about your emotions is an important part of the healing process. “Share your feelings and talk about it with a friend or a therapist, it’s important to vent out feelings because repressed ones only cause more anxiety,” Maurya states.

19. Connect with your community

This will make you feel both proactive and supported. “Talk to people around you, your neighborhood, family as well as friends and spread awareness. Tell them how they can switch to healthy habits that will prevent the negative impact on climate and environment,” Maurya explains.

20. Take a look at your personal habits

Even if you live an eco-friendly life, there’s always room for improvement.  “Make sure you’re not doing anything as an individual that could be or has the potential to cause harm to the environment or contribute to climate change like calculating your carbon footprint and reducing it,” says Maurya.

21. Read your news online

Along with limiting your daily news intake, choose to read your news online—rather than watching it on TV 24/7—so you can control what and how much goes into your consciousness, Terri Cole, licensed psychotherapist and author of Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and (Finally) Live Free, states.

22. Join a group

“Connecting with like-minded, like-hearted humans with whom you can honestly share your feelings and concerns about climate change can alleviate anxiety,” Cole explains. Check out Climate Cafes that have groups that meet virtually or climate change groups on Meetup to find or start a group locally.

23. Acknowledge your feelings

Becoming aware of your emotional state will help you gain greater control over it.  “Attempting to avoid feelings of anxiety or fear about the climate crisis can lead to numbing behaviors like overindulging in food, alcohol, Netflix or recreational drugs,” says Cole. “Your feelings are valid and accepting and honoring them gives them less power over you.”

24. Establish healthy boundaries

While trying to stay calm and grounded during a difficult time in our global history, do your best to avoid doom-scrollers who are addicted to negativity, Cole explains. Surround yourself with people who are informed and choosing to take action.

25. Practice mindfulness

Never underestimate the power of your breath. In many cases, relieving anxiety is as simple as taking a few deep breaths. “Take a break a few times a day to focus on mindful breathing to calm and recenter yourself. Add an alarm to your phone every three to four hours and when it goes off, take a full minute to close your eyes, drop your attention inward and breathe deeply,” says Cole. “Or use The Breathing App created by Dr. Deepak Chopra to put your nervous system into a state of equilibrium creating mental calm, and inner peace to your body and mind in just five minutes.”

26. Be kind

The next time you feel a wave of anxiety crashing over you, turn to kindness.  “Physiologically, partaking in acts of kindness can positively change your brain and increase levels of ‘feel good,’ calming hormones, serotonin, and dopamine, according to research,” Cole states. “And it’s a good thing to do, to boot!”

27. Ground in nature

When you are feeling anxious, head for the great outdoors.  “Studies show spending time in nature has been linked to an array of benefits, including lower stress, better mood and an increase in empathy and cooperation,” says Cole. “It can be a city park or your own backyard!”

28. Engage in embodied practices

“Embodiment helps ground and bring you into the present moment by taking attention into your physical body, which can reset the nervous system,” Tamara Yakaboski, PhD, coach mentor and impact strategist, explains. “A simple one can be noticing where your body touches the chair or sofa or bed. Bringing your awareness to that spot that feels neutral.”

29. Journal

Simply writing down your thoughts on a daily basis can work wonders. “A regular practice of journaling can help move through the denial, anger, depression, anxiety and into acceptance so that you can create meaningful action within their lives and communities,” says Yakaboski. “If you like something with more prompts, then subscribe to The Climate Journal Project, which is an online community that emails prompts out.”

30. Sit with an indoor plant

If you live in an urban area where nature isn’t readily accessible, looking at an indoor plant can help calm your mind. “Sitting and noticing a plant within arms reach for a minute or so every day or when feeling anxious, can shift the mind into the present moment,” Yakabowski explains. “It also cultivates a feeling of wellbeing outside of us.”

31. Cultivate awareness and naming of emotions

By becoming an observer of your thoughts, this puts you back in the driver’s seat. “This practice expands our tolerance for feeling the feels and allows us to sit longer with what we are feeling,” says Yakabowski.

32. Use your feelings to point you to purposeful action

For example, rage or anger can show you what you care about and that can give you direction of where to take climate action. It can feel very overwhelming without direction since there are so many things in collapse, Yakabowski explains. It’s important to find the areas that matter to you and focus your efforts there. 

33. Read more to educate yourself on action

The more informed you are, the more steps you can take to help out. “There are many great books out to help you work through feelings and into action. Two I recommend are:All We Can Save and The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis,” says Yakabowski.

34. Seek out positive news stories

It’s no secret most news headlines are focused on negative events.  “We need to balance the news information we are sending our brains,” says Shannon Garcia, LCSW, psychotherapist in private practice at States of Wellness Counseling located in Illinois and Wisconsin. “Our brain hears all those threats and gets more alarmed, causing us more anxiety. Take time to seek out good news stories!”  Garcia recommendsGood News Network andGood Good Good.

35. When you do read the news, be sure to end on a positive news story

Ending on a happy note will make a major difference in terms of your mental health. “Give your brain something to help you get out of that anxious headspace before you re engage with your day,” Garcia explains.

36. Find helpful affirmations

Finding an affirmation, mantra, quote that you can turn to on repeat when your brain goes down the climate anxiety rabbit hole can be helpful, Garcia says. For example,Morgan Harper Nichols offers these words: “I can still have hope while facing a future I don’t know.” 

37. Bring yourself back to the present moment

Garcia suggests the following mindfulness exercise. Name five things you can feel without moving. Do not move at all. For example, can you feel where your pant leg touches your ankle, a hair on your cheek, the scrunchie on your wrist, the weight of your phone in your pocket, a ring on your finger? This exercise takes intense focus and can help interrupt a spiral of anxiety. Do more than five if you’re up for it! Repeat as needed.

38. Change unhelpful behaviors

Ask yourself, “am I doing anything that usually makes me feel worse?” And then see how you can shift that behavior, Garcia explains. For example, if watching nature documentaries that mention climate change usually sends you into a tailspin of anxiety, try watching some more lighthearted in the evening before bed. If reading the news first thing in the morning can cause you an entire day of doom scrolling, maybe you check in on the news at a different time of day, Garcia adds. See it as an experiment. Some trial and error is ok!

39. Take a deep breath for four seconds

Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, psychologist andHope for Depression Research Foundation Media Advisor recommends this breathing technique: hold the breath for 4 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds.

40. Stay busy

Go people watching or window-shopping, Lira de la Rosa recommends.

41. Pick a melody that calms you

What relaxes you? Lira de la Rosa suggests humming a soothing tune.

42. Focus on your other senses

“Feel a sense of calm by burning incense or lighting a candle,” says Lira de la Rosa. “Look at the light flicker and smell the scent of the candle.”

43. Drink your favorite soothing drink 

Lira de la Rosa suggests something warm such as tea, hot chocolate, or  a latte.

44. Feel safe in your body

Wrap yourself up in a blanket, Lira de la Rosa recommends.

45. Wash away the worry

Lira de la Rosa says taking a long bath or shower will help calm your mind.

46. Listen to music

Make a playlist of your favorite songs, Lira de la Rosa recommends.

47. Tidy up your physical space

Lira de la Rosa suggests cleaning a room in your home to alleviate your anxiety.

48. Think about what you can do for someone else

Place your focus on others. Surprise someone with something nice. It can be something as simple as a card or a hug, says Lira de la Rosa. Next up, Jane Fonda’s workout video to fight climate change amid the coronavirus crisis.


Imperial College London: “The impact of climate change on mental health and emotional wellbeing: current evidence and implications for policy and practice”Jonathan Alpert, Manhattan psychotherapist and author of Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 DaysDr. Anisha Patel-Dunn, psychiatrist and Chief Medical Officer at LifeStance HealthShagoon Maurya, counselling psychologist and psychotherapist, and founder of ursafespace.comTerri Cole, licensed psychotherapist and author of Boundary Boss-The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen and (Finally) Live FreeTamara Yakaboski, PhD, coach mentor and impact strategistShannon Garcia, LCSW, psychotherapist in private practice at States of Wellness Counseling located in Illinois and WisconsinErnesto Lira de la Rosa, Psychologist andHope for Depression Research Foundation Media Advisor 48 Ways to East Climate Change Anxiety - 8