Friday Memes

1. Window, aisle or ground.

2. Jay-Z knows what’s up.

3. Wee!

4. If Wordle had six letters, this would be our starting word at the end of every work-week.

5. Juggling weekend plans? Just make sure they’re fun.

6. The one time we’re not mad to get up early.

7. Shift workers, we see you!

8. OK, but still adorable.

9. Good news, pals!

10. Jimmy Fallon gets it!

11. Happy Friggin’ Friday!

12. Listen, Linda—TGIF.

13. We’ve been waiting all week!

14. We know what we heard!

15. Friday is Caturday Eve.

16. Not your problem after 5 p.m.!

17. Have you been there too? We won’t tell.

18. FYI: This attitude encourages worker exploitation. Take your entitled time off and enjoy it (and if you can’t, unionize).

19. If your boss takes issue with this meme, let them know that the four-day workweek is catching on in a big way.

20. We’re outta there!

21. Wish ours was this precious!

22. There’s nothing Alexa can’t do … right?

23. Friday is a bandaid for our overworked brains.

24. Hello darkness, my old friend.

25. Do new moms even get weekends at all?

26. New COVID variants got us like:

27. For four days every week, time is a flat circle.

28. Who loves Fridays and hates The Eagles?

29. Sayonara!

30. Raise your hand if the walk from work looks like this on Fridays!

31. If the work week were any longer, we might … croak.

32. Fridays in 2020, 2021, and 2022:

33. Cue Britney Spears’ “Work B**ch.”

34. “It’s been 84 years…”

35. Game of Thrones fans know.

36. You get a weekend! You get a weekend! You get a weekend!

37. The dark side of Fridays:

38. Burnout is real.

39. You made it!

40. Be careful out there!

41. We got tired just watching this!

42. At 5 p.m., we ride!

43. You’re still a 10 regardless!

44. If Ellis is your boss, just say no.

45. Preach Lucy!

46. Friday is a whole vibe.

47. We bet it’s Samuel L. Jackson’s, too.

48. Much needed.

49. Make your weekend count!

50. Every. Freakin’. Time.

Check out the best 2020 memes to remember the year we’ll never forget.

50 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 3850 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 2150 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 2050 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 4450 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 850 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 9950 Funny Friday Memes to Get You Ready to Kick Off the Weekend - 54