Happy Birthday Memes

1. We’re huge fans!

2. As Blanche Devereaux once said, “Better late than pregnant!”

3. You’re still super!

4. Ouch!

5. Cats have a … unique way of showing their love.

6. Everyone too old to binge Squid Game in a single night.

7. If Grumpy Cat pooped in our shoes, we’d bronze them.

8. So awkward.

9. Yikes!

10. We absolutely did.

11. The answer is to crumple it into a ball and smush it into the back of a drawer.

12. Pimp my birthday!

13. We’ll drink to that!

14. We’ll drink to this too.

15. Now you can save it forever!

16. When you and your friend are true cuties.

17. For your older sibling!

18. Birthdays should be included in PTO packages.

19. Someone please get this guy a bigger birthday hat.

20. Don’t worry, there’s still time.

21. That free ice cream is exciting!

22. You do look great.

23. Age ain’t nothin’ but a number!

24. Celebrate with all the bacon and eggs you have.

25. Check out this sweet pun.

26. Mary Katherine Gallagher knows what’s up!

27. It’s almost like your birthday is the same day every year.

28. May your birthday be this fun!

29. It applies to you, too.

30. We demand a re-test!

31. And they’ll owe it all to you!

32. Hey, at least they reached out!

33. Choose your party (spirit) animal wisely.

34. Your presence is a gift.

35. May you celebrate your true friends too!

36. Treat yourself!

37. A very happy unbirthday to you.

38. May your birthday be bewitching!

39. We’ve all been guilty of this.

40. Please just bring us our cake and leave us alone.

41. For your pottymouth BFF.

42. Next we’ll learn manners.

43. Kick it old school for your birthday.

44. Oh baby!

45. Yes, birthday birthday birthday!

46. Don’t worry, we like you when you’re 23!

47. Honestly, you may well have been a happy accident for your parents.

48. An elephant never forgets (your birthday).

49. We’ll take it!

50. Millennials, bring back those side-bangs!

51. “Do they speak English in What?”

52. Everyone has to learn their lesson sometime.

53. Our particular set of skills involves making your birthday the best it can be.

54. You beat your previous personal best!

55. The Dude confirms what we all suspected.

56. For that friend who takes it way overboard!

57. And tho, tho many more!

58. Studies have proved this to be true.

59. Big news from San Diego!

60. Truth hurts, everyone.

61. You’re the goodest birthday girl ever!

62. Make sure your birthday is sweet.

  1. If you don’t get it, you’re not a poet. Next, check out these 150 birthday quotes and happy birthday wishes to honor your BFF’s special day!

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