Some of these words can be used to describe numerous cute things like puppies, newborn babies, and even cupcakes! To help you out, we’ve listed them in alphabetical order with cute words starting with the letter A all the way to cute words starting with the letter Z so no matter what the occasion (or even the Instagram caption) you’ll always have an adorable word or two to say! Take a peek at all 75 cute words down below and get ready to expand your lexicon. Once you start using them, you’ll definitely be able to add a little sunshine and rainbows to your day!

75 Cute Words

  1. Adorable- inspiring great affection
  2. Audible- able to be heard
  3. Ado- a state of agitation or fuss, especially about something unimportant
  4. Befog- cause to become confused
  5. Bonny- attractive or beautiful
  6. Beaming- shine brightly
  7. Cipher- a secret or disguised way of writing; a code
  8. Chortle- a breathy, gleeful laugh
  9. Capacious- having a lot of space inside; roomy
  10. Docile- ready to accept control or instruction; submissive 250 Positive Words
  11. Discombobulate- to confuse someone
  12. Divine- excellent; delightful
  13. Enchanting- delightfully charming or attractive
  14. Evince- reveal the presence of feeling
  15. Educe- bring out or develop
  16. Fearless- lacking fear
  17. Fluff- entertainment or writing perceived as trivial or superficial
  18. Fabulous- extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large
  19. Giggle- laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner
  20. Germane- relevant to a subject under consideration
  21. Gourmandize- eat good food, especially to excess
  22. Humdrum- dullness; monotony
  23. Hustle- busy movement and activity
  24. Humongous- huge; enormous
  25. Intrigue- arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate 100 Funny Words
  26. Infirm- not physically or mentally strong, especially through age or illness
  27. Illuminate- make something visible or bright by shining light on it; light up
  28. Jovial- cheerful and friendly
  29. Jubilant- feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph
  30. Jaunty- having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner
  31. Kind- nice or considerate
  32. Kismet- destiny; fate 300 Words to Describe Yourself
  33. Keen- highly developed sense
  34. Lavish- sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
  35. Lament- a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
  36. Luster- a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface
  37. Mollycoddle- treat someone in an indulgent or overprotective way
  38. Mammoth- huge
  39. Merry- cheerful and lively
  40. Neat- things arranged in an orderly, tidy way
  41. Nostrum- a medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person.
  42. Nomic- having the general force of natural law
  43. Opulent- ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish
  44. Omniscience- the state of knowing everything
  45. Oasis- a fertile spot in a desert, where water is found
  46. Pipsqueak- a person considered to be insignificant, especially because they are small or young
  47. Perky- always cheerful and happy
  48. Picturesque- very beautiful, almost like a picture
  49. Quirky- characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
  50. Quiddity- a distinctive feature; a peculiarity
  51. Quaff- drink something (especially an alcoholic drink) heartily
  52. Ravishing- delightful; entrancing
  53. Rapturous- characterized by, feeling or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm
  54. Redress- remedy or set right
  55. Skedaddle- depart quickly or hurriedly; run away
  56. Shenanigans- silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief
  57. Sprinkle- scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over an object or surface
  58. Tidbit- a small piece of tasty food
  59. Teem- be full of or swarming with
  60. Titter- give a short, half-suppressed laugh
  61. Unflappable- having or showing calmness in a crisis
  62. Uppermost- highest in place, rank, or importance
  63. Utopia- an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect
  64. Vivace- played in a lively and brisk manner
  65. Vivify- enliven or animate
  66. Vogue- popular; fashionable
  67. Wonder- the desire or be curious to know something
  68. Whopper- a thing that is extremely or unusually large
  69. Wondrous- inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight; marvelous
  70. Xenomania- an inordinate attachment to foreign things
  71. Xenial- hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners
  72. Xenas- a tough, physical, confident woman
  73. Yearning- a feeling of intense longing for something
  74. Yippee- expressing wild excitement or delight
  75. Zing- energy, enthusiasm, or liveliness Check out…250 Unique Words25 Palindrome Words
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