There are over 200 local Giving Tuesday coalitions in the United States and 60 country campaigns worldwide. In just ten years, the Giving Tuesday movement has raised more than $1 billion online for charitable causes in the U.S. alone.

When is Giving Tuesday 2022?

Giving Tuesday is the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving each year. Giving Tuesday 2022 is on November 29, 2022.

What are some Giving Tuesday ideas?

Participating in Giving Tuesday can be done in a number of ways. Though the most popular way to participate is through donating to charitable causes, you don’t necessarily need to spend a dime to show your kindness and generosity this season. You can simply raise awareness and speak out in favor of causes you support (whether on social media or in real life!), check in on a neighbor who’s having a tough time or volunteer your time and services (Volunteer Match has great opportunities if you’re not sure where to start!). You can also donate goods you’re no longer using to local causes (clothing drives, books to the library) or even just write letters—I See Me and Macy’s Letters to Santa are great places to get creative and inspire others for a great cause, and many local children’s hospitals will welcome some happy mail as well. Possibly the easiest way to give back for free? Bookmark these sites from Greater Good and click to give each day to support hunger relief, veterans, displaced animals, rainforests, breast cancer research, children’s literacy and more. One of the most important aspects of charitable giving, on Giving Tuesday and every day, is giving to organizations you can trust. You can use services like Charity Navigator and GuideStar to determine whether a charity will spend your hard-earned dollars in a way that you deem appropriate. We’ve compiled a list of available charities and causes that have four-star ratings and national outreach, but you can also look into specific causes you support through local, state and regional groups and religious organizations, such as your nearby food bank, animal shelters, women’s and homeless shelters, to support. And if you donate funds, be sure to check with your employer to see if they’ll match it!

Charities Supporting Animals

Charities Supporting Women & Children

Charities Supporting Disaster and Emergency Relief

Charities Supporting Environmental Causes

Charities Supporting Healthcare, Medical Research and Patients

Charities Supporting First Responders, Military, Veterans and Their Families

Want to do even more? Check out these 30 amazing ways to give back.