As we book our COVID-19 vaccine appointments or patiently wait the required few weeks between shots, many of us are wondering: Will some of our daily habits, like drinking alcohol or exercising, blunt the effects of the shot? What about taking a pain reliever if we’re dealing with a sore arm or even a fever? We talked with doctors to get to the bottom of all your burn post-vaccine questions. Here’s everything you need to know.

Can I drink alcohol after getting the COVID-19 vaccine?

If the evening after getting your vaccine you want to celebrate with a glass of wine or a cocktail, that’s understandable. While it’s probably OK to have a glass of wine, Dr. Jennifer Babik, MD, PhDand Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSF advises against engaging in any heavy drinking. “Heavy, long-term alcohol use may impair the immune system, but there is no data that drinking alcohol after the COVID vaccine (especially in moderation) will impair the immune response to the vaccine,” she explains. Another reason to avoid heavy drinking? It could make any side effects worse. “This could also make it difficult to distinguish between vaccine side effects and the effects of alcohol, which could lead to confusion when tracking the true side effects of the vaccine,” she says. Dr. Andrew Myers, MD, an internal medicine practitioner based in Boise, Idaho adds that because alcohol is dehydrating, it’s probably a good idea to skip it post-vaccine. “Optimal hydration will actually improve your response,” he says.

My arm is sore and I have a slight fever. Can I take a pain reliever?

The most common COVID-19 side effect is a sore arm, and some people develop a fever or bad headache. While it can be tempting to reach for a pain reliever, many people worry that doing so will weaken their response to the vaccine. “You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen) if needed for side effects after the vaccine,” assures Dr. Babik. “There is no data that this will interfere with the effect of the vaccine. Of course, you should always consult with your physician to be sure that you do not have any medical conditions that would prevent you from normally taking any over-the-counter medicines.” That being said, experts advise against taking a pain reliever before your vaccination. “The CDC recommends against taking any pain relievers before the vaccine,” says Dr. Babik. “This is because it is unknown if taking one of these medicines could impair the immune system’s ability to respond to the vaccine. There is some data that this might be the case for other vaccines, although the evidence is not definitive.” Long story short: We don’t know for sure that taking a pain reliever pre-vaccine will impair our response, but it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Can I engage in vigorous exercise after getting the vaccine?

As of now, there isn’t a lot of data on how vigorous exercise like running, HIIT, or a tough Peloton class might impact your vaccine response. But Dr. Babik says it’s probably a good idea to engage in lighter forms for exercise for a few days following the vaccine. “You may not feel well enough for vigorous exercise if you are having side effects from the vaccine,” she says. “It might be best to plan for lighter work-outs in the one to two days following the vaccine to make sure your body is able to recover in case you have any side effects. In the end, the most important thing is to listen to your body.” Lighter options like a yoga class are probably a better idea post-vaccine. But because there’s so much arm work involved with yoga, you may be wondering if that’s a good idea if you’re battling a sore arm. Here’s the good news: The more you move your arm, the better. “The circulation stimulated by yoga will be good,” says Dr. Myers. Dr. Babik agrees that light activities will not make the pain in your arm worse. “In fact, the CDC says to ‘use or exercise your arm’ to reduce pain or discomfort at the injection site,” she says. “In the end, you will just need to listen to your body in terms of what you can tolerate if your arm is sore.” Next up, here’s everything you need to know about the COVID variants.


Dr. Jennifer Babik, MD, PhD and Associate Professor of Medicine at UCSFDr. Andrew Myers, MD, an internal medicine practitioner based in Boise, Idaho Can I Drink Alcohol After the COVID Vaccine  - 15