“Man, what a night,” he said, before stating that he wanted to continue the theme of the night and play a song he had written about his father as well. “I wanna play you a new song nobody’s heard,” Church said.Church’s unreleased song honors his father, Ken Church, by telling a story of the father-son duo and their similarities. The lyrics also include habits his father had that rubbed off on him as he raised his son.“I wear jeans and boots, I drink not-light beer, sometimes I tell the truth or what you want to hear,” he sang. “When I’m dealing cards, I always keep one hid. I like to buy used cars, ‘cause my dad did.” After the song, the audience erupted into cheers before Church told a story about a moment between him and his father in his beige Pontiac. “I remember as he would play songs, I can remember being in the backseat listening to him sing, and I would bounce across that bench seat, window to window, playing air guitar and drums,” Church recalled. “And as I got older… I have two boys, and as I was playing [them] songs, I found that it was the same songs my dad used to play me.“It is unclear if Church plans to release the song to the public or if he plans on releasing an upcoming album in 2023.