If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know how hard it can be. Even if you make all the right changes to your lifestyle (we’re talking eating a healthy, veggie-filled diet and adding in weekly trips to the gym), you still may not be able to make the scale budge. This experience can be incredibly frustrating and probably leaves you wondering, what gives? The reason could have something to do with “set point theory.” Here’s everything you need to know about it.

What is set point theory?

Set point theory originated in 1982 with researchers William Bennett and Joel Gurin, according to Alayna Guzak, RDN, LD, registered dietician nutritionist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. “They hypothesized that the reason why diets fail so often is because everyone has a set point weight that their body strives to stay at. It is generally recognized that “set point” is the weight a person’s body is programmed to be,” says Guzak.

Think of set point theory like a thermostat

There’s no specific chart that can help you figure out what your set point is. Instead, it may be the weight your body seems to be most comfortable at when you’re eating a healthy diet and moving in a healthy way (and not overeating or engaging in a fad diet.) In other words, if you’ve ever thought to yourself, “my body always seems to want to be at XX weight and typically doesn’t drop much above or below it,” that may be your set point. “Set point theory is the theory that the body has an internal thermostat that manages weight by controlling other body functions such as hunger and energy expenditure (metabolism or amount of calories used),” says Melissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWN, LDN, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “Think of a teeter totter at the park; when one side goes up (body weight), the other side goes down (energy expenditure), in order to keep things balanced.” In layman’s terms, our bodies do not like change. The body is very resistant to anything that takes it out of its comfort zone, also known as homeostasis. “When change occurs, specifically when you try to lose weight, your body does everything in its power to get you back to ’normal’,” adds Guzak. To better understand set point weight theory, it’s important to understand the basics of weight loss, which according to Majumdar is “complex”. As someone loses weight, their energy expenditure, also known as metabolic rate or calorie needs, goes down. Less body weight requires less energy, so calorie needs decrease. “Therefore, if someone continues to lose weight, their calorie needs continue to decrease, and eating less food and less calories can be difficult and unhealthy,” says Majumdar. Additionally, she adds that people losing weight often experience increased hunger because of changes in appetite hormones. 

Can you change your set point?

Your body weight is influenced by multiple factors: biological, environmental, which are all impacted by a genetic predisposition. Thankfully, changing any of these components may result in a change to the “set point.” “Some studies suggest that adding consistent exercise to a healthy diet can help to change your set point,” says Guzak. There is a wrong way to do this, though– including fad dieting and rapid weight loss.“Practicing patience and aiming to lose one to two pounds per week is the best way to keep it off for good,” says Guzak. “Losing no more than 10% of your body weight at one time and allowing your body to adjust over the course of six months may help to readjust your “set point.” There is limited and conflicting research on whether weight loss surgery changes your “set point,” notes Guzak. One study performed on rodents shows promise in keeping weight down after RYGB and sleeve gastrectomy surgeries, but it is unclear if this would translate to humans seeing as lifestyle choices including diet and exercise play a role in weight management. Another study found that 59% of the patients regained 20% or more of the weight they lost after RYGB surgery, which refutes the idea that the set point would change permanently after weight loss surgery.

What are the benefits of accepting set point theory?

Ultimately, set point theory can be helpful for those working towards body acceptance and building a better relationship with food.  “Setting reasonable expectations is helpful while trying to reach any goal, including health goals,” says Majumdar. “Ongoing adjustments to factors influencing weight and health will be required, so working with a professional like a registered dietitian nutritionist and/or physician board certified in obesity medicine can support these efforts.”

Are there any risks to accepting set point theory?

If you focus your weight loss on your set point, it could lead to frustration. “If someone uses the scale as their measurement of success, they may set themselves up for failure at some point,” says Majumdar. It could also become an unhealthy obsession. “If you begin to worry about maintaining your set point, it becomes no different than a “goal weight,” which may again lead to dieting,” adds Guzak. “Instead, set point theory should be used to remind yourself that your body is able to regulate itself without having to put energy towards controlling your weight.”

Should you use set point weight theory?

Set point theory it is just that—a theory.  “Whether you believe in set point theory or not, remember that everybody is different genetically and will respond differently to lifestyle modifications,” says Guzak. “Weight fluctuations are normal, and it is important to not get attached to a single number or range. Your set point can and likely will change over time as you enter different phases of life (pregnancy, menopause, health conditions, medications, etc.). Therefore, try not to punish your body. Trust that moving more and eating well is more beneficial than fighting it to lose a few pounds because you think you’d be better off at a certain weight.” Next up: 13 Possible Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight


Alayna Guzak, RDN, LD, registered dietician nutritionist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterMelissa Majumdar, MS, RD, CSOWN, LDN, registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Everything You Need to Know About Set Point Theory - 6