For the few who aren’t familiar with the film (maybe you wake up each morning forgetting what happened the day before? Lucky you!), the comic romp depicts a TV weatherman who’s tired of his life and his job, until one day—Feb. 2, a.k.a. Groundhog Day—he finds himself reliving the same 24 hours over and over and over again in the tiny Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney (where Groundhog Day is “officially” celebrated) until he “gets it right." If you’ve seen Groundhog Day so many times now that you think you must know everything there is to know about it, well, think again! We’re celebrating the movie with some fun facts about Groundhog Day that you may never have heard before. Keep reading for some trivia that’ll make you say, “I’m a god.” Michele Wojciechowski is the award-winning author of the humor book Next Time I Move, They’ll Carry Me Out in a Box), writer of the award-winning humor column, Wojo’s World®, and a not-yet award-winning stand-up comic. While she sometimes wishes she could have a “do-over”, she wouldn’t want to have to repeat anything for eight years. Check out her website at Next, Groundhog Day Is More Relevant Than Ever—But Where Is the Cast Now? 

Groundhog Day Trivia  Fun Facts About The Movie Groundhog Day - 5Groundhog Day Trivia  Fun Facts About The Movie Groundhog Day - 45