Some people have a naturally round face or full cheeks. And you might love that look. But if you’ve spent the past two years staring at your own face on Zoom and feeling a little self-conscious, you may be wondering how to lose weight in your face. One of the first ways to go about this, according to Dr. Erica R. Podolsky, MD, a bariatric and general surgeon with Palm Beach Health Network Physician Group and the medical director of the Surgical Weight Loss Program at Delray Medical Center, is to lose weight all over.  Losing a substantial amount of your total body weight gives you a pretty good chance at losing weight in your face, too, she explains. “There are certain people who may lose (more) weight in certain areas, but if you do lose weight, you are absolutely going to lose weight in your face." But are there other ways to lose weight in your face, or at least give the appearance of a slimmer face? The answer is yes—here’s everything you need to know.

How to lose weight in your face

Cut back on salt

Instead of a sweet tooth, you love salty foods. But your affinity for salt can show up in a rather unexpected place: Your face. When you consume a lot of salty food, what happens next? You get thirsty. And as a 2017 article in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism points out, when you drink a lot of fluid to compensate, you can gain weight in your entire body—including your face. Plus, if you consume a lot of sodium, your body may try to hold onto as much fluid as it can, which can make you look puffy, notes Dr. Podolsky.

Get some (more) sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, dark under-eye circles might not be the only visible evidence. Research suggests that a lack of sleep can actually lead to weight gain. In fact, a study published in the journal Sleep found that people with a sleep debt experienced an increase in hunger and appetite. And when you’re hungry, what do you tend to do? That’s right: Eat more. In other words, it’s probably time to give up that revenge bedtime procrastination once and for all.

Consider a mocktail instead of a cocktail

If you regularly drink alcohol, you may be consuming more calories than you realize. (500 calories in a pina colada or 150 calories for a beer … and that’s assuming you stop at one.) And that can lead to weight gain that, yes, may show up in your face. Consider cutting back or swapping that cocktail for a mocktail instead. Granted, if you opt for non-alcoholic drinks, you also want to be mindful of the calorie count in the mocktails, too. The calories in juices and sodas in non-alcoholic drinks can add up quickly.

Drink more water

Speaking of drinking, how about foregoing the high-calorie drinks and sipping some water instead? It might help you curb your appetite. One 2016 study found that study participants who drank water prior to eating a meal tended to consume fewer calories—that is, the water-filled them up, so they didn’t eat as much during their meal. And the results of a 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that obese women who swapped their diet sodas for water seemed to have greater success when it came to losing weight.

Consider a cosmetic procedure

If your exercise regimen or your other behavioral changes aren’t achieving the effect you want, you could consider a cosmetic procedure. “Generally, most people desire or need volume in the face rather than removing it,” says Dr. Tito Vasquez, MD, assistant professor of plastic surgeon at the Yale School of Medicine. “That being said, liposuction or direct removal—i.e., buccal fat pad—are the most common ways to remove fat from the face.” Other products that have been used include deoxycholic acid, such as Kybella, which is injected into the fat below your chin, and fillers, which can create definition along the cheekbones and give the appearance of what Dr. Vasquez calls “a more defined and sleek-looking face.” But definitely do your homework and research providers, including their qualifications and experience, before you undergo a procedure.

Improve your appearance with a skincare upgrade

You’re not going to lose weight in your face by upgrading your skincare products, true. But you may not want to go the more permanent route for various reasons. “Maybe it’s better to start with your skincare,” says Dr. Podolsky, adding that facials and good-quality products can improve your skin’s appearance. In fact, these changes may improve the elasticity and tone of your skin to make enough of a positive difference for you. Next up: Is Your Double Chin Cramping Your Style? Here Are Some Doctor-Approved Ideas for Getting Rid of It


Effects on weight loss in adults of replacing diet beverages with water during a hypoenergetic diet: a randomized, 24-wk clinical trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.Immediate pre-meal water ingestion decreases voluntary food intake in lean young males. European Journal of Nutrition.Erica R. Podolsky, MD, a bariatric and general surgeon with Palm Beach Health Network Physician Group and the medical director of the Surgical Weight Loss Program at Delray Medical Center.Relationship between sodium intake and water intake: The false and the true. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.Sleep Restriction Enhances the Daily Rhythm of Circulating Levels of Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol. Sleep.Tito Vasquez, MD, plastic surgeon and assistant professor of plastic surgery at the Yale School of Medicine.Weight Loss and alcohol. U.S. National Library of Medicine.Yes, drinking more water may help you lose weight. Johns Hopkins University. How to Lose Weight In Your Face  According to Doctor - 98