If you’re experiencing consistent joint pain and inflammation, you’re not alone. In fact, arthritis is one of the most common health conditions in the United States: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 US adults are diagnosed with arthritis and the prevalence of this condition increases with age.  As someone living with osteoarthritis (the most common type of arthritis), actress Jennie Garth, 50, has partnered with Voltaren for their CareWalks campaign—a campaign that helps people with arthritis find joy in movement and spotlights the incredible work that caregivers do.  “I believe that caregivers are angels on earth with the work that they do, selflessly taking care of other people and this campaign is a great opportunity to celebrate and shine a light on caregivers,” says Garth. Here, Garth opens up about her journey with osteoarthritis—and how she manages her symptoms. 

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Several years ago, Garth started to experience joint pain in her knees and fingers and at the time was diagnosed with early arthritis.  “I thought, ‘Wow, I don’t want this’ because I connected it with older people getting arthritis,” Garth explains. “But it’s not just happening to older people anymore. Everyone is susceptible to it, especially if you have it in your family genes, which I do.”  Research confirms it: Although people ages 65 and older make up the largest group of doctor-diagnosed arthritis (49.6%), people ages 45-64 make up 29.3% and 18 to 44 years make up 7.1% of the group, proving it’s a condition that affects all ages. “So, in a way, I did see it coming, and just wanted to ignore it. But at that time, there was no ignoring it anymore,” says Garth.

How She Manages Symptoms

To alleviate pain, Garth started using Voltaren Arthritis Pain Gel, an over-the-counter pain-relieving gel. “As it turns out, a lot of people in my family use it and highly recommended it. So, I started using Voltaren and find it really does help with my symptoms,” Garth explains. Along with using the gel, she makes time for movement on a regular basis and doesn’t let her arthritis hold her back from enjoying life. “Staying active is my advice for everyone,” says Garth. “Don’t let a diagnosis be something that makes you sit around. Choose to make this diagnosis something that motivates you to be more active and take your health into your own hands.” In terms of physical activity, Garth does a lot of stretching and also enjoys playing golf. “All the joints are participating in those movements,” she explains. Above all, take care of your mental health. Garth’s main message to people who have been diagnosed with this condition is to remember, “it’s not the worst condition to be diagnosed with, and now there are great products out there to relieve your pain. Don’t let it get to you psychologically.”

How to Support Your Mental Health If You Have Arthritis

Of course, not letting it get to you psychologically is easier said than done, and Garth is the first to admit that battling any condition is just as much of an emotional journey as a physical one. “Whatever your health issue is, it’s never just physical, it also becomes a mental issue,” says Garth. “And I think so often we overlook that and it becomes problematic in other ways. It’s important not only to take care of yourself physically—finding a good doctor, taking the right medication, etc.—but also be really aware of your mental health and make that a priority.” Garth practices daily meditation, during which time she focuses on the positive things in her life instead of the negative. She also stays very active and spends time in nature, and all of these activities combined support her mental well-being.  Next up: The 20 Best Foods to Reduce Inflammation and Ease Arthritis Pain 


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “National Statistics”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Arthritis-Related Statistics” Jennie Garth Opens Up About Her Osteoarthritis Journey - 78