First, the good news: You’re not crazy—many people have had this experience. Doctors call it “kaleidoscope vision” due the apparent small particles of light in your peripheral vision that seem to rotate around like an old-fashioned kaleidoscope. Despite its name, kaleidoscope vision is not an eye problem at all, nor is it usually the sign of something life-threatening. The bad news? Kaleidoscope vision is often part of a visual aura that signals a painful migraine is about to start. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, nearly one-quarter of households in the United States have at least one family member who gets migraines. And about 25 percent of those migraine sufferers have a visual aura within an hour or so before the migraine starts. If you have experienced kaleidoscope vision, odds are that you also get migraines (though not always). Kaleidoscope vision can be scary if you don’t know what it is, especially if it occurs when you’re driving or other times when you need your vision to be as perfect as possible. Let’s take a closer look at the causes and treatments for kaleidoscope vision.

What is kaleidoscope vision?

Dazzling fragments, brightly colored specks and wavy images that suddenly change size—that’s how the world looks through the lens of kaleidoscope vision. These distortions hang out in the periphery of your vision—annoying enough to distract you, but not large enough to totally obstruct your ability to see. Despite your sight being altered, kaleidoscope vision is not caused by your eyes. Technically speaking, it is a type of visual aura that occurs in response to a sudden increase in neuronal activity. “It’s how the vision pathways work inside the brain,” says Lisa Lystad, M.D., an ophthalmologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. “It’s not an eye issue.” The flashing lights typically happen on the same side of both eyes at the same time (meaning both left corners or both right corners), but it can seem as though one eye is affected more than the other, since the outer corner has a greater range of peripheral vision than the inner one.

What does kaleidoscope vision look like?

Your kaleidoscope vision is unique to you, says Dr. Lystad. “It often looks like zigzags, sparkling or colorful shapes or black and white images,” she says. “And they tend to move—they may start in the middle and move out to the side, or start at the side and move in towards the middle. We call it marching.” Some people see sparkling spots while others see scattering movements. Interestingly, while the shapes and colors of kaleidoscope vision differ from one person to another, they are always identical for that individual, says Dr. Lystad. So if the patterns or colors of your kaleidoscope vision change, you should mention this to your doctor.

Causes of kaleidoscope vision

If you experience kaleidoscope vision (also called a visual aura), the cause of it may not be far behind: An oncoming migraine (also referred to as a visual migraine) is the most likely suspect. Some people experience certain sensations, such as a strong feeling of fatigue, before a migraine starts, but visual auras are among the most common signs. Kaleidoscope vision can last anywhere from five minutes to an hour before the migraine pain hits. As for the actual mechanism that produces the spots, lines and other things you see with kaleidoscope vision, experts think that migraines trigger an electrical or chemical wave that spreads over the area of your brain responsible for vision, causing disturbances in signals that result in your peripheral vision light show.

Treating kaleidoscope vision

Because kaleidoscope vision is a symptom of migraines, not a condition itself, no medication directly combats it and it usually disappears on its own when the migraine pain begins. Instead, you might be able to use your kaleidoscope vision as a warning sign of what’s to come and prevent a full migraine by taking medication as soon as your vision begins to change. There are several types of “abortive” medications that can help prevent migraines, ranging from over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to prescription migraine drugs. Not everyone responds the same way to migraine medications, and some people can also benefit from home remedies like essential oils and alternative treatments like acupuncture. It might take some trial-and-error to find a treatment setup that works for you.

Kaleidoscope vision and strokes

The symptoms of migraines and strokes can be similar. You may feel some weakness on one side of your body, for example. But kaleidoscope vision is almost exclusively correlated with migraines, so if you’re experiencing this type of aura it’s less likely you’re having a stroke, says Dr. Lystad. Still, people who have strokes may lose some of their vision or see zigzag lights and checkerboard images. They may even see things like an imaginary bird flying by or a little animal running through their line of vision right after the stroke. “This is not the same as what happens with a migraine,” says Dr. Lystad. “In this case, it’s the brain filling in images in an area where you’ve lost vision due to the stroke.” If you experience kaleidoscope vision or any other migraine symptoms for the first time, or if the visual patterns differ from what usually occurs, it’s best to see your doctor to ensure that it is a migraine and not something more serious.

Can you have kaleidoscope vision but no headache?

Short answer: Yes. “There is a type of migraine where you just get the aura and never have a headache afterwards,” Dr. Lystad says. “It’s less common, but it is still considered a type of migraine—without pain.” Because people don’t often report an aura without head pain, also known as an ocular migraine, doctors don’t know how common it is. You might wonder whether you should address your kaleidoscope vision if there is no migraine pain involved. The answer depends on how badly your vision is affected and what you are doing when the issue occurs. For instance, if you are driving (or any other task that requires good eyesight), then getting rid of kaleidoscope vision is important. Because there are no drugs that specifically target this symptom, your doctor will most likely prescribe a migraine med. “Imitrex is probably the most common medication to treat it or Maxalt for people who just get the visuals,” says Dr. Lystad. “Taking magnesium oxide supplements can be helpful in decreasing the frequency as well.”

Anxiety, exercise and kaleidoscope vision

Despite what you may have heard, neither anxiety nor exercise causes kaleidoscope vision—at least in the technical definition of the word. But there is some evidence that anxiety can play tricks with your eyes and brain, making you think you see certain things, like flashing lights, shimmering images or even vivid imagery, that is similar to the experience of kaleidoscope vision. As for exercise, some people may complain of blurry vision or “seeing stars” when working out. While this is not the same thing as kaleidoscope vision, it can be distressing if you don’t know what is causing it. If you’ve noticed visual changes during or right after exercise, speak with your doctor. Some experts believe blurry vision could be due to your eyes not getting enough oxygen, or another underlying eye health problem.

Is kaleidoscope vision a sign of MS?

Multiple sclerosis can cause several disturbing symptoms, such as numbness and weakness, difficulty walking and visual problems. But the visual problems associated with MS involve either partial or complete loss of sight in one eye at a time, pain with eye movement, prolonged double vision and blurry vision. These aren’t the same as kaleidoscope vision.

Taking care of yourself

Kaleidoscope vision can be disturbing, especially if it catches you at a bad time. Try to see it as a helpful indicator that a painful migraine may be on the horizon—one you can head off at the pass with medication before it ruins your day. If the changes in your vision are a recent phenomenon, speak with your doctor about what’s going on to make sure those zigzagging sparkles are nothing more than a nuisance. Up next, try these home remedies for migraines.


Lisa Lystad, M.D., ophthalmologist at the Cleveland Clinic in OhioMigraine Research Foundation: “Raising Money for Migraine Research”The Journal of Headache and Pain: “Clinical Features of Visual Migraine Aura: A Systematic Review”Brigham and Women’s Hospital: “Visual Migraine”American Migraine Foundation: “The Timeline of a Migraine Attack”Brain & Life: “Should I Be Concerned About Ocular Migraines?”UpToDate: “Acute Treatment of Migraine in Adults”Cleveland Clinic: “A Migraine Without Pain?”Mayo Clinic: “Ocular Migraine: When to Seek Help”Mayo Clinic: “Multiple Sclerosis” “Kaleidoscope Vision Anxiety Symptoms”Boston Globe: “Is It Normal to Get Blurred Vision When Exercising?” Kaleidoscope Vision  What Causes It and How to Get Rid of It - 66