Known for symptoms that include difficulty separating reality from imagination, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and erratic behavior, schizophrenia is often first diagnosed in men when they’re in their teens or early twenties and women in their late twenties to early thirties, according to Jennifer Tomko, LCSW, psychotherapist and owner of Clarity Health Solutions in Jupiter, Florida. Dr. Shana Feibel, Attending Psychiatrist at The Lindner Center of Hope and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati, further explains that schizophrenia is present at birth, but the signs and symptoms don’t arise until early adulthood. “It does not just suddenly develop later in life,” she says. There are some things that can bring on schizophrenia. First of all, Tomko says that “there is a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, and it can lie latent in someone for their whole lives without being triggered into being problematic.” These triggers can vary, but Tomko remarks that trauma and stress are “potential catalysts.” “If you have a family history [of schizophrenia] or the person has a history of odd behaviors, then the trauma can create a first psychotic break in those who are predisposed,” she adds. If your loved one hasn’t been officially diagnosed with schizophrenia, but you’re concerned that they might have the disorder, there are a couple causes for worry that you can weigh. Tomko says that if you’ve tried to rationalize with your loved one or provide a reality check, and they just aren’t receptive or become aggressive, they may start doing things that could endanger themselves or others. Dr. Feibel agrees with this opinion, saying, “They may become paranoid that people are trying to hurt them, which may cause them to become hostile. They need to be on medication, so they do not put themselves or others in danger.” But what exactly are the early signs of schizophrenia? And how can you help your loved one arrive at a potential diagnosis? Our experts share their insights so you can support your loved one.

Early signs of schizophrenia

Although schizophrenia tends to have some hallmark symptoms, according to our experts, there are some early warning signs you can keep an eye out for. They include:

DepressionSocial withdrawalHostilitySuspiciousnessExtreme reactions to criticismPoor personal hygieneLack of emotional responsivenessSleep changesIrrational, bizarre, or paranoid statementsDisorganized, hard-to-follow speechCognitive slowingAuditory hallucinationsDelusions

Talking with a doctor

If your loved one is displaying these symptoms, it’s likely time to encourage them to see a doctor to arrive at a diagnosis. Dr. Feibel says that the first step is making an appointment with a psychiatrist. To get a diagnosis of schizophrenia, Tomko explains that a person has to display two symptoms for a period of six consecutive months. “Also, there is additional criteria including impairment in functioning in social or occupational settings, and it is imperative to rule out substance abuse and medical problems as the cause of these symptoms,” she says. If you and/or your loved one suspect schizophrenia, keep in mind that it’s essential to have it officially diagnosed by a medical professional. “Many people with schizophrenia are unable to have insight into their illness, so it is generally not self-diagnosed,” Tomko says. Tomko believes that if someone is speaking to a doctor for the first time about a possible schizophrenia diagnosis, it’s important to take “someone you trust.” Offer to go along with your loved one so you can provide support and fill in any information gaps. “The struggle with determining reality from imagination may cause the patient to be a poor historian for the doctor,” Tomko says. “Having an additional person reporting on recent symptoms helps the doctor make a more accurate determination for a proper diagnosis and treatment.” Additionally, Dr. Feibel says that during the appointment, it’s beneficial to list all of the symptoms that someone is exhibiting and establish an accurate timeline of the emergence of those symptoms.  Schizophrenia isn’t an easy disorder to deal with, but you can help your loved one by supporting them at appointments, and if they receive a diagnosis, you’ll be there to help them with their treatment plan and act as a shoulder to lean on. Next up, learn about 30 of the best mental health apps. Sources

Jennifer Tomko, LCSW, a psychotherapist and owner of Clarity Health Solutions in Jupiter, Florida.Dr. Shana Feibel, Attending Psychiatrist at The Lindner Center of Hope and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati. Signs of Schizophrenia  Early Signs to Look Out For - 41