“People said you can’t play this game with emotion. But look at me: Using emotions as a weapon!” Maryanne Oketch is truly a one-of-a-kind Survivor character and player, for exactly the reasons she outlined in the quote above from an earlier episode. The seminary student wielded a machete with two very different sides. For the majority of the game, it showed a quirky, positive, and talkative side that made people count her out as a threat. And when the time was right, she turned that blade around to show its sharpened edge. And with a couple of tactical strikes, she cut her way to a perfect position at the end of the game, where she became the latest recipient of the title of Sole Survivor. Maryanne stepped onto the roller coaster of Survivor, ready for the ride of her life, hoping to show fans that you can be weird and succeed. Unfortunately for her, that success was initially delayed. Her personality did not immediately endear herself to the Taku tribe, and her intense and untrustworthy nature made her a target at their first Tribal Council. Luckily, a winning streak the rest of the postmerge allowed her to become a comfortable member of the fab four on her tribe. And along the way, she picked up an extra vote and an idol. Those Taku bonds were able to help her survive an intense set of votes once the tribes came together. And though she ended up expending an idol during one Tribal Council to guarantee another Black person would not sit on the jury, she was luckily able to find another one the next day. And that advantage became the only successfully kept secret in the game, surprising coming from its most chatty player. At the final seven, Maryanne saw the end was in sight, but not the particular ending she wanted. So, to quote her from the final Tribal Council, “I still had to take that chance to lose because I deserved that chance to win.” She used her extra vote to organize one of the biggest moves of the season, blindsiding power player Omar Zaheer. From there, she was essentially guaranteed to make it to the end. Mike Turner held to his promise and used his idol on her, meaning she never even had to reveal her own. And Romeo Escobar took her to the end at the Final Four, believing she was easier to beat. On Day 26, Maryanne did have some explaining to do, trying to argue to the jury why the way she behaved was purposeful and strategic while also admitting the mistakes she made. And it was a sermon that had the Survivor clergy willing to donate. Acknowledging what she was able to pull off, they gave her the win in a 7-1 victory (and perhaps a date with the season’s first boot). After the finale, Maryanne spoke with Parade.com about what went into that victorious final Tribal Council performance, going from the bottom of Taku to assembling the blindside against Omar, and how she feels to be the first Black woman to win in 20 years. First off, I have to ask, how does it feel to watch yourself win a million dollars all over again? I am in such a good mindset right now. And not even when it comes to Survivor, just in general. That is so amazing to hear. So let’s start with where things ended. You spoke about not thinking you could even win the game until the day before it started, and even in the game, it wasn’t until after the Omar vote. So how did it feel to find out you got nearly every jury vote? I didn’t know what was going on. I’m not sure how many people did, but I was known to be someone who counted jury votes. So going in, I’m like, “Okay, best-case scenario, I’d maybe get five. But who cares? You’ll need five to win. Who needs a clean sweep?” So when I kept seeing the votes come in, I didn’t even I didn’t know what was going on. I was just confused, but so excited. Which vote for you surprised you the most? Well, there were two that surprised me most. Number one was Rocksroy, because he was physicality, and I am the antithesis of physicality. (Laughs.) So having Rocks was just so surprising. The other was Drea, because Drea had literally left the game be like, “Mike is going to go to the end, and Mike is going to win.” So I figured she would vote for him. Nearly everyone on the jury said they went in with their minds open. Did you get the sense you were swaying them as Tribal Council went on? Going into it, I felt as if I had a chance to win. But then, as Tribal began, I felt as if the jury was very much leaning Mike. As time went on, I was able to go and really articulate my game. For some people, this was the first time they were understanding what my game was. Then I felt like it was more sort of leaning to me. Obviously, the biggest moment of the night was you revealing the idol that you not only found, but kept secret. Did you always have that in your mind as your last piece of evidence of why you should win? I always knew when I didn’t play the idol that I would only talk about the idol at final Tribal. I really wanted that big moment. I love theatre. And I know you have one shot to just make a “wow” moment and really swing people. When people were talking about the big move, I saw the narrative that I was able to go and speak about my game. Then the “big bang” was able to add those missing pieces. And the idol would add those missing pieces that people were looking for, for that big bang. So how accurate was it when you told Lindsay you were nearly going to play it for her at the Final Five? That was 100% true. I felt that from the time that Omar was voted out to when Lindsay lost the challenge. I think I only flipped to voting for Lindsay, maybe at most, two hours before Tribal began. I really want to keep Lindsay. And I loved Omar; Omar was my rock. Even voting off Omar was hard for me emotionally. Voting someone else out who I love and care for was very hard on my psyche. You were adamant about being honest about your game, even talking about your “sloppier” moments. Was that something you were always going to do, or was that because of this particular jury? Watching as a fan, one thing that a jury always appreciates is being authentic to yourself and your game. And that’s also who I am as a person. I always want to be authentic. And that was how I played the game as well. So when you go to a jury, they have a perspective on you. Some of the things they might believe might be correct, but some of the things you might believe might be correct. And you have to figure out what is correct. I have to listen and ask myself, “What do I push back on? I still believe my perspective. But how can we get to a conclusion that makes us both happy?” Let’s go to the beginning and the “sloppiness” you mentioned. There was a lot of talk from the Takus about how you were intense, all over the place, and untrustworthy. Were you aware of that perception? I knew coming into the game that I could be very annoying, because I’m a very big and loud person. Some people like it, some people don’t. But I was so delusional in the premerge. (Laughs.) Like I said, I was living this best life. I remember being like, “I think out of every single person in this game, I’m playing the best game.” I was on my high horse. I thought, “If there’s a tribe decimation, Omar and I are gonna go and be at the end.” I was delusional. I was living my best life, which is why the fake merge was such a big shock to me. I’m like, “Well, clearly, I’m not doing what I think I’m doing!” I was so dumb. I was like, “Oh my gosh, there are no alliances. This game is so fluid. It’s a new era!” (Laughs.) When we really know when it comes to the game, roses are red, violets are blue. If people aren’t saying anything, the vote is you. (Laughs.) I love that. You spoke at one point about feeling at the bottom of the Takus. When did you start to reach outside of your tribe to people for new relationships? So there were moments before that where I was starting to connect with other people. I connected with Romeo and Tori on the first day just because of our faiths. I really felt as if I vibed with Lydia because Lydia and I were very similar. We had a fake alliance called the “Grandma alliance” because we both have names that grandmas had. But I felt that my social connections weren’t going and translating to strategic connections in that merge. On that note of faith, you spoke in the premiere at the summit about how many Christians who play wish they were more cutthroat in hindsight. How did you reconcile that in your game? So I think the big thing that made me just really reconcile the game with my faith was how I treated people on the island. I always try to be mindful in treating people with kindness and really including people. Sometimes in the game, you can’t really include someone because of strategy. What I would try to do instead of just going in and ignoring them, I would come in very calmly, change the subject, and keep talking with them. I really want to make people not feel ostracized. I really wanted people to know that even if I might not be aligned with you strategically, I still genuinely do like you as a person. Talking more about things that exist outside of the game, you had a big moment in the split Tribal Council a few weeks back. You said your biggest fear in the game was seeing injustice and doing nothing about it, and you end up playing your idol from the premerge to guarantee another Black person will not go after Chanelle and Rocksroy. Talk me through what went behind that decision. So going into that Tribal, I actually was leaning to vote for Tori. Because if we voted out Drea, that meant that the Taku alliance would really have to start going just balls to the wall in our strategy. But then, I was still kind of iffy because I knew Tori would never vote me out. And I was very, very close to Tori. It wasn’t in my best interest game-wise. But when I walked in and saw Chanelle and Rocksroy on the jury, I realized that I was just like, “Okay, well, no, now I have to vote for Tori. I can’t vote for Drea.” I remember watching Island of the Idols and seeing Jamal, Missy, and Aaron get voted out in a row, or other times when Black players were voted out back-to-back. And like I said on the show, it doesn’t mean that they were voted out because they were Black. But as a Black woman, it’s something that I see, and it makes me feel a little disheartened. If I had the power to make sure that the pattern that I was seeing stopped, I’m going to do it, regardless of whether it’s going to tank my game or not. I know that Drea felt that actually did tank her game afterward. Obviously, that’s not the case with you. But did that change the way you approached the game moving forward? When I came back from Tribal, I really wanted people to know that this is something that is my own personal issue that I was dealing with. And I knew because going to that Tribal, I knew that Rocks might have been voted out in that one. But going into the game, we all come with our burdens. And I knew that if I wrote Drea’s name down, and then she went home, I couldn’t deal with myself. I couldn’t be a part of it. The next day, I remember going and having conversations and being like, “This was something I was dealing with. We’re still playing the game. This game is still going.” And it’s so funny, because at the Final Seven, I was gung ho for getting out Drea! (Laughs.) I was like, “We have to take her out. She’s going to beat us all!” So I was all good. (Laughs.) You talked at one point about weaponizing your emotions. Were there any particular moments during the season where you were able to do that? So one way was actually at the Final Five “secret advantage” challenge, where we had to go and do the clues. What they didn’t show is that I actually solved the puzzle. But I didn’t want Jonathan or Mike to get the clue. So I didn’t write it down. And I was like, (Pretending to be in tears.) “Guys, I can’t figure out the puzzle. I’m just so dumb! I’m going to just start making rice. I’m so sorry.” They really believed it, and so I just ate the rice. Because at that point, I wanted Lindsay to stay. So this was good for my game from my perspective at the time. We have to obviously talk about the Omar boot. He told me that he felt Drea’s words on her way out made you realize you had to get rid of him. But you were also approached by Mike the next morning. When did you decide to go after Omar? So the idea popped into my head after the Drea Tribal. I actually saw Omar give Mike back his idol. When I saw the Knowledge is Power, I thought at first it was Lindsay, because I knew that Lindsay had a close bond with Mike. But then, seeing that Omar had a close enough bond with Mike that Mike would trust him with the idol opened up my eyes. The veil was lifted. I’m like, “Oh my gosh, Omar’s playing everyone. I’m going to be a goat in the end. I don’t want to be a goat.” So I really was like, “Okay, well, Omar has to go out.” I didn’t know if Omar should be out at six or five. But then, when Mike approached me and said, “We need to get Omar out at six,” I was like, “Well, wait, someone wants to get him out at six. This is great! Let’s go for it!” When did you come up with the idea to bring in Romeo and use your extra vote to make the vote 3-2-2? Oh, I had that when I woke up after the Drea Tribal. I was thinking, “Wait, I have an extra vote. And Mike just approached me. That’s three votes. I can figure out how to make everything else work, I can do a 3-2-2.” Which, as a superfan, is just delicious. Romeo came in later. I actually had to do damage control with Romeo because Romeo did not want to go with the plan. He wanted to go and stay with Omar and Lindsey. And I told him, “Romeo, we have to do this plan. We’re going to be goats. We’re not going to be taken to the end.” Romeo, Omar, and I had an alliance called the “Under Birdies.” So I told Romeo, “There are two birds, and there’s one bird keeper who’s not a bird. You’re a bird. Figure out who the bird keeper is.” So then I started chatting with him and discussing why it would be best to take Omar out for both of our games. You are the first Black woman to win a Survivor season since Vecepia Towery in season 4, over 20 years ago. What’s your reaction to that? Honestly, it’s so wild that it’s exactly almost 20 years since a Black woman won, and I’m the second one to do so. And I think the thing that makes it so powerful is because, as the casts get more diverse, you’re going to see more firsts of people or “first in x number of years.” For example, Mike is Puerto Rican. I don’t think there’s anyone win who’s Puerto Rican since Sandra. He would have also been the oldest winner. Romeo, I believe, would have been the first LGBTQ male winner since season 15. So whoever won in our final Tribal would have been the first for something that would have been representing someone, and that’s so powerful. Of course, for Black players, that’s such a powerful thing. But having representation in age and diversity, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation is such a powerful thing. Because anyone in future seasons can have more firsts. You said from the beginning that you were doing this for the weird people out there. How has the “weird” community responded to your time on the show? With tears, with joy, with happiness! I am so happy that I did it for the weird people. We took one for the team and didn’t have to change anything. I was a crier. I was weird. There was this whole fight on the island because I told them about my hobby that I used to have for scrapbooking obituaries. Long story short, I scrapbook obituaries. It’s just so interesting to do! So I’m so happy that I was able to be genuinely me and still be able to win. Next, check out our interview with Omar Zaheer, who was voted out in Survivor 42 Episode 12.