In true This Is Us fashion, the convoluted story of Kevin’s love life has been playing out in a nonlinear fashion for quite some time, with him showing up on his ex-wife’s doorstep before we ever knew he’d been married, revealing he was the father of twins in the future before we had any idea who their mother was, and now, teasing a pre-wedding hook-up with one of three possible women before we see what led to each of these encounters. The promo for “The Night Before the Wedding,” which will air on Tuesday, April 26, leads us to believe that we won’t be in the dark about that last one for very long, though, as Kevin and his complicated love life take center stage. We’ll see the truth of his interactions with Sophie (Alexandra Breckenridge), Cassidy (Jennifer Morrison), and the yet unnamed wedding singer (Katie Lowes), and will hopefully learn which–if any–of them is the recipient of his current romantic affections… or whether the three pre-wedding encounters merely serve to provide some much-needed clarity on some other aspect of Kevin‘s love life. Here are all the clues we caught in the promo for This Is Us Season 6 Episode 14, “The Night Before the Wedding.”
Is there a promo preview for This Is Us Season 6 episode 14, “The Night Before the Wedding?”
“Failing at dating is sort of a pattern these days,” Kevin tells Sophie during a walk through the vineyard at the beginning of the promo. “I think I’m just done with love." The promo then shows his eyes lock with those of the wedding singer. Could it be that Kevin finally meets his great love as the direct result of Kate finding hers? But of course we don’t expect anything to be that simple, as the promo promises that we’ll see “three different chances at love” unfold during “The Night Before the Wedding” with the wedding singer, Cassidy, and Sophie. “I like to watch people,” the wedding singer tells Kevin as he sits beside her at a bar. And he must tell her he’s there waiting for someone—Sophie? Cassidy?—because she then asks him, “Who are you waiting for?” We then see Kevin driving through the countryside with the top down, with a woman in the passenger seat who looks a lot like Sophie, although we can’t be sure. Then he’s with Cassidy in his hotel room helping her change out of her dress, although the encounter actually appears much more friendly than sexy – her zipper is snagged on the fabric, and she needs help freeing it. “Who will be the one?” the promo asks as we see Kevin now with Sophie in a store, saying they should “get back” since he assumes she’s exhausted. But she tells him, “No, I think I just got a second wind.” The last shot is Kevin by himself, sporting the same conflicted expression he wore for most of “The Day of the Wedding.”
What happened in Season 6 Episode 13 of This Is Us, “The Day of the Wedding?”
“The Day of the Wedding” followed exactly the story we would expect: Kate‘s wedding to Philip (Chris Geere), attended by her whole family. But the big day was structured not around the imminent newlyweds, but rather the mother of the bride, whose quickly deteriorating condition has her whole family jumping through hoops to try to make sure the event runs as smoothly as possible for an increasingly confused Rebecca (Mandy Moore). This involves far more downtime than a typical wedding celebration would entail, in the hopes that allowing Rebecca to rest between each item on the itinerary will minimize her periods of confusion and agitation. Still, in the pauses between wedding day events, a lot took place. Rebecca repeatedly mistook her son Kevin for her deceased first husband Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), much to the concern of her newly sworn-in senator son, Randall (Sterling K. Brown). Randall also expressed concerns about the health of Rebecca‘s husband Miguel (Jon Huertas), but finally stood down when Miguel voiced how stressful it is for him to manage Rebecca‘s condition, and how much he just needs a break from it all. Meanwhile, on a lighter note, Madison (Caitlin Thompson) and Beth (Susan Kelechi Watson) spent the day trying to sleuth out the identity of a woman they are sure Kevin slept with the night before. Their suspects included the yet-unnamed wedding singer, Kevin‘s ex-wife Sophie, and his friend and plus one, Cassidy. Kevin, for his part, definitely seemed to have something on his mind, admitting to his mother at one point that he was in “a bit of a pickle“ and that he felt “lost romantically.“ At the end of the episode, Kevin also told Randall that explaining his whereabouts during the previous night was “a long story,” although whether it was good or bad, he still doesn’t know. But of course, although it probably received the least amount of time of all the various storylines taking place during the episode, the most momentous event to take place during “The Day of the Wedding” was the wedding itself. Kate and Philip exchanged vows in a lovely outdoor ceremony, and their romantic day was capped off by Rebecca taking the stage to perform an original song that warmed the hearts of wedding guests and viewers alike.
Are there any spoilers for This Is Us Season 6 episode 14?
In an interview following “The Day of the Wedding,” episode writer Jon Dorsey told EW that we’d soon hear the “long story” about why Sophie changed her number sometime between getting engaged and getting married to her current husband. But when asked if we could expect that explanation in “The Night Before the Wedding,” Dorsey only said, “I’ll say this. If you don’t get it in the next episode, you’ll certainly get it by the end of this season.” When it comes to which of Kevin’s possible romantic options will prove to be the one that sticks, Dorsey determinedly kept all possible doors open, saying, “they are all potential suitors. Obviously fans will understand why in terms of Sophie and Cassidy — and hopefully they’ll understand why [the wedding singer] Arielle is a potential suitor who could be perfect for Kevin as well [once] they’ve watched these two episodes…. I would say: With This Is Us, always expect the unexpected.” But Dorsey also cautioned viewers, “Don’t count out anybody,” and said that after seeing Episode 14, “Some people will be happy and some people might not be happy.” That’s about as cryptic as it gets, so we’ll just have to wait to see what happened “The Night Before the Wedding” to figure out what he means. Will This Is Us find new life on the big screen? Everything we know about the possibility for a This Is Us movie.