The book profiles 100 female athletes who forever changed the face of sports. However, Sports Illustrated Co-Editor-in-Chief Stephen Cannella wants to make it clear that these women are not being singled out because of their gender, but because of their prowess. “The title of this collection may be Strong Like a Woman, but at heart, these aren’t women’s sports stories. They are sports stories, period. They resonate because they remind us why we compete, why we watch, and why we care so deeply about the games we play,” he says in the book’s introduction. Despite this half-century anniversary, many of us may not be aware of Title IX and its impact. So, here is everything you need to know about Title IX.

What is Title IX?

On June 23, 1972, the federal government of the United States passed this civil rights law as part (Title IX) of the Education Amendments of 1972. This law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in educational institutions that receive federal aid. Representative Patsy Mink wrote the early legislative draft of the law with help from Representative Edith Green. Senator Birch Bayh then co-authored and introduced the bill to the United States Senate while Congresswoman Mink introduced it in the House. As a result of her work, Title IX was eventually renamed the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act, following Mink’s death in 2002.

Why was Title IX passed?

Back in 1972, female students only made up around 42 percent of American college enrollees. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had been passed years earlier, but did not cover discrimination in the educational system, necessitating the passage of Title IX. It is a popular misconception that Title IX had to do with sports, but this is actually not the case—though it did have a major impact on sports.

What impact did Title IX have on sports?

Title IX blocked discrimination of federally funded education programs based on gender. While the law was being debated prior to being passed, a congressman named John Tower tried to include an amendment to exempt athletics departments from the law’s reach. Luckily, that amendment was rejected. However, this incident is what created the misconception that Title IX is a law built around sports equity. The implementation of Title IX meant that federally funded educational institutions had to meet requirements to offer equality when it came to athletic departments. As a result, the number of women participating in athletics and sports at American educational institutions increased substantially. Many institutions offered female athletics departments for the first time, resulting in a large portion of women receiving their first opportunities to participate in sports. A 2006 study found that as a result of Title IX, the number of women participating in high school sports had increased by a factor of nine and the number of women participating in college sports had increased by over 450 percent. Wow!

What is ​​Strong Like a Woman: 100 Game-Changing Female Athletes?

To celebrate this major anniversary of Title IX and the ramifications of the law on sports in the United States, Sports Illustrated released a book centered on 100 female athletes who became icons in their chosen sport. The book features pieces from the Sports Illustrated editorial archives that even pre-date Title IX, from 1954 on!

Who is the author of Strong Like a Woman: 100 Game-Changing Female Athletes?

The author is journalist Laken Litman, with Universe Publishing acting as publisher.

When is the release date for Strong Like a Woman: 100 Game-Changing Female Athletes?

The book went on sale in April 2022, a few months ahead of the 50th anniversary of Title IX, which is on June 23, 2022.

Female athletes such as Serena Williams, Megan Rapinoe, Simone Biles, Sue Bird, Wilma Rudolph, Janet Evans, Nancy Lopez and Peggy Fleming are featured in Strong Like a Woman. In addition, the book features a foreword by Billie Jean King, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the foundation she founded, the Women’s Sports Foundation. Next, see all the athletes featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Title IX Anniversary Inspires Sports Illustrated  Strong Like a Woman  - 86Title IX Anniversary Inspires Sports Illustrated  Strong Like a Woman  - 2