Charles III was proclaimed king at an accession council in St James’s palace. It was the first time in history that this elaborate process was televised. In the lavish throne room with its red carpets, red walls and golden candelabras, King Charles made a declaration to the council in which he acknowledged the death “of my beloved mother, the queen.” “I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me,” he said, adding, “In this purpose, I know that I shall be upheld by the affection and loyalty of the peoples whose sovereign I have been called upon to be.” The king also paid tribute to his “beloved wife”, Queen Consort Camilla. Camilla and Prince William were present for the declaration alongside 200 privy counsellors. Camilla will be crowned queen alongside Charles, but their coronation might not be for several months or even a year. Before Charles, Camilla and William signed the document proclaiming them king and queen, the clerk of the council said, “Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, is now by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory, become our only lawful and happy liege lord.” He ended by saying, “God save the king.” Last night King Charles addressed the UK for the first time as monarch and announced that his son William and daughter-in-law Kate will be given the titles Prince and Princess of Wales. Next up, Where Did Queen Elizabeth II Get Her Money, And What Was Her Net Worth?