Although Type A and Type B personality types are thrown around a lot these days, there’s actually a fascinating backstory to these different personality types. What began in a 1950s cardiology study—yes, you read that right—has become a widely accepted way to define your character. Curious about which personality type you are and what it means for you? Here’s everything you should know about Type A and Type B personalities

Where did Type A and Type B personalities come from?

The origin of these personality types as we know them today was started by Dr. Meyer Friedman, M.D. and Dr. Ray Rosenman, M.D., explains an article in the American Journal of Public Health. The American cardiologists developed Type A and Type B behavior patterns when researching causes of coronary heart disease (they believed Type A was a risk factor).  “Type A and Type B personalities are popular descriptors first used by cardiologists in the 1950s to describe the potential risk for heart disease,” confirms Dr. Ron N. Gad, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist and the executive director of the Beverly Hills Therapy Group. “Thus, Type A and Type B personalities are often used to describe how people behave in response to stressors.” In their research, first published in March 1959—findings of which in part later became the 1974 book, Type A Behavior and Your Heart—described Type A as “manifesting an intense, sustained drive for achievement and as being continually involved in competition and deadlines, both at work and in their avocations.” Type B was defined as having opposite characteristics. In a 1961 article in Circulation, a journal of the American Heart Association, they kept those definitions, noting Type A as “a combination of certain personality traits such as excessive competitive ‘drive,’ persistent desire for recognition, advancement and achievement, and persistent inclination for multiple vocational and avocational involvements, on the one hand, and of chronic immersion in ‘deadlines,’ on the other hand.” Type B was categorized as showing “entirely opposite behavioral traits.” Another twist came when the tobacco industry took notice, with the largest tobacco company—Philip Morris—going on to fund extensive research on these personality traits (in part to find a causal relationship between personality types and cancer, instead of smoking). These personality traits were adopted by other areas of study, including psychology and psychiatry (like in this 1990 article on Type A and the link to coronary heart disease in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality).

How to determine your personality type

When people refer to their personality type, it can be easy to fall into what could be seen as negative aspects (such as linking being Type A with being inflexible or uptight). However, as Dr. Gad notes, knowing your personality type can give you an idea of your strengths—you’re not inflexible, you just excel at making and sticking to a schedule!—and areas where you may want to grow.  “Reading the descriptions of Type A and Type B personalities will likely give you a good indicator of which category you fall into,” suggests Dr. Gad. “There are also assessments available online that can give you a better idea of your personality type if you are unsure.”

What to know if you have a Type A personality

Having a Type A personality can have a negative connotation of being high-strung. While Type As are often more rigid, they are also known for being organized. Dr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a New York City-based neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia University, notes that people with Type A personality are go-getters.  “Almost every presidential candidate has this type of personality,” adds Dr. Hafeez. “They are ambitious, high achievers, punctual, well organized, set high standards for themselves and others around them, they are self-motivated and they can be workaholics if they don’t keep themselves in check.” As with any personality type, while some people strive to be more Type A in terms of organization or punctuality, there are, of course, downsides to being aware of. For example, Dr. Hafeez notes Type A personality can be more likely to be anxious and prone to impatience. “Attention should be paid to stressors and/or triggers for Type A personalities,” adds Amber Robinson, MA, a licensed marriage and family therapist at the Beverly Hills Therapy Group. “It is also very important for Type A personalities to find a way to decompress and develop a strong self-care routine.”

What to know if you have a Type B personality

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Type B personalities can be seen as being lazy or too laid back. However, they are often more relaxed and can go with the flow (which is one of their traits people may aspire to have).  “People with Type B personalities are known for being more relaxed and flexible,” shares Robinson. “They are generally patient individuals who often have a more carefree laissez-faire approach to life. This laid-back approach can often lead to procrastination which is important to remember for Type B personalities.” Dr. Hafeez agrees with this assessment, adding that Type B personalities are social and typically emotionally stable, with plenty of empathy. However, punctuality is not a strong suit, and Type B personalities may need to be nudged more often than their counterparts to stay motivated and on track. 

Making your personality type work for you

As with almost everything in life, there are pros and cons to each personality type. Dr. Hafeez notes that once you accept the positives and negatives of your personality type—and embrace it—you can identify any downfalls that aren’t serving you.  “For example, if you are a type B and you know that tardiness is a weakness, try setting your clock 10 minutes fast,” suggests Dr. Hafeez. “Conversely, if you are type A and tend to be a workaholic, start leaving the office 15 minutes earlier. It’s about taking baby steps and making incremental changes.” Next up, check out these 20 different personality tests you can take for free.


Amber Robinson, MA, a licensed marriage and family therapist at the Beverly Hills Therapy GroupDr. Ron N. Gad, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist and the executive director of the Beverly Hills Therapy GroupDr. Sanam Hafeez, PsyD, a New York City-based neuropsychologist and faculty member at Columbia UniversityAmerican Heart Association, Circulation, November 1961. “Association of Specific Behavior Pattern in Women with Blood and Cardiovascular Findings.” Friedman M, Rosenman R. DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.24.5.1173American Journal of Public Health, November 2012. “Type A Behavior Pattern and Coronary Heart Disease: Philip Morris’s ‘Crown Jewel.’” Petticrew MP, Lee K, McKee M. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.300816Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), March 21, 1959. “Association of Specific Overt Behavior Pattern with Blood and Cardiovascular Findings.” Friedman M, Rosenman R. DOI: 10.1001/jama.1959.03000290012005Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, January 1, 1990. “Type A Behaviour and Coronary Heart Disease: The Third Stage.” Eysenck H. What Is a Type A or Type B Personality  Here s What They Actually Mean - 14