Who was evicted on Big Brother 24 tonight?
Daniel Durston
It’s been a hard fall for the Elvis impersonator since he was the first Head of Household of the season. A vitriolic personal attack on Taylor helped rally the house into the secret “Leftovers” alliance against Daniel and his closest allies. After last week, when Daniel’s miscalculation with the veto caused the boot of his closest ally, he was soon to follow.
Who won Head of Household on Big Brother 24 tonight?
The HoH competition didn’t finish in this episode. Find out who won in Sunday’s night episode.
Who’s left in the game on Big Brother 24?
Alyssa SniderBrittany HoopesIndy SantosJasmine DavisJoseph AbdinKyle CapenerMatthew TurnerMichael BrunerMonte TaylorTaylor HaleTerrance Higgins
Next, check out our interview with Nicole Layog, who was evicted in Big Brother 24 Week 4.