It was actually The View that helped her finally find relief. “Recently, Khloe Kardashian came onto The View and she was talking about Nurtec ODT and I said, ‘come on, does it really work?’ And she said, ‘this is a game-changer, call your doctor and talk it over.’” So she did. And now, she “dares” a migraine to mess with her. The first time she took it was at the onset of a migraine. “I always know they’re coming because I get these silver air things. Like those silver things that twist in the air and spin. That’s how I know I’m going to get one.” So, she tried the Nurtec ODT. “It was extraordinary to discover that I had taken this Nurtec ODT at the first sign of the migraine and maybe 20 or 30 minutes later, it was like, wait a minute, where’s the rest of the migraine? And just the idea that I wasn’t gonna have it, I wanted to dance and sing. I wanted to break into song because it was such a relief not to be afraid that I’d have to try to figure out how to get through the rest of the day.” But before this, she became an expert at masking her migraines. “It hit me once when I was hosting the Oscars,” Goldberg said. The actress, comedian and author has hosted the award show four times, in 1994, 1996, 1999 and 2002. “And there was nothing I could do. So you’re talking and being funny and witty and looking good in your dress and suddenly it’s like, [squinting] ‘hey…how is everybody today, y’all good? Good! OK it’s all fine, so here’s the next thing we’re talking about… [fake dances off stage] Oh my God my head is falling off.’ Ice to the back of the head, ice to the forehead, tears coming out of your face. But they powder you and you go back out.” Now, she’s not only in less pain, but a huge source of fear and anxiety has been wiped out of her life. “I don’t have that anymore, I don’t have that fear. Just having that disappear, just having the fear disappear is half the battle.” Watch the video below to learn more about Goldberg’s journey living with migraines, and how they’ve affected her work. Next, read about even more migraine relief remedies. View this post on Instagram
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